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Wythall Transport Museum Harrington Gathering 21st May 2023


Silver Level Sponsor
We managed 5 Harringtons at the gathering - courtesy of Justin Harrington, Andy Goldsmith, Derek Hewitson, Andrew Yates and myself. Clive Harrington and Clive Pocock both failed to fix clutch problems and Oliver Bridgeman was tied up on business. Otherwise we could have beaten the USA SUNI attendance!!! I know of another 4 that could have come but didn't answer emails/it was too far, and another 2 that have not contacted the Assoc since the cars were sold. So that is 14 roadworthy in the UK plus the two Kammtails? The venue was a bus museum so you can imagine that we feared there might not be a great attendance but it turned out to be super popular and the weather was great. I put up a rolling powerpoint show with photos of every Harrington known to the registry, including the TR Doves. Apologies, there's only a short YouTube video because I thought someone else was going to make a video. The magazine "Classic and Sportscar" was in attendance and we were all interviewed. You can expect to see us amongst all the Ferraris and Astons in full colour later in the year.



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Thanks for sharing this Glenn! I thought for sure y'all would have more Harringtons there then we had at SUNI. But a tie score is not so bad. It is great seeing so many of these rare cars in one place.
We made it into the UK National Press, Classic and Sports Car - a nice interview with all the owners. I'll make a better copy if people want. Andrew Yates, Derek Hewitson, Andy Goldsmith, Justin Harrington and myself,


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