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Puff4 (Kevin McLemore)


Donation Time
Just curious after reading an old thread that got brought back to life today and realizing he hadn't been active.
It's been nearly 3 years since he has been on here... Anyone have information about him? He was always posting neat little videos and pics,,
I'm glad to hear he's not wearing a pine overcoat yet. Thanks for replying Michael.

More then once I'v seen a profile go inactive and no one had any news about the person. The internet world is weird in the sense that one can chat often with people you will never meet, or know more then their online persona. In real life, you would want to go to a viewing or funeral.... but in the online world we'll all just disappear one day with no closure.

It's a shame he felt he had to leave.......
It's a shame he felt he had to leave.......[/QUOTE said:
I liked Kevin also, he has quite a depth of knowledge about Sunbeams and Brit cars in general, sure would like to see him return to the forum.
Tom j
I sent him a note a few years ago asking him to consider rejoining the forum. He said he would consider it, but he obviously hasn't been back. Maybe someone else will have better luck.
It's easy to get in touch with Kevin. Just find Puff4 in the Member list, and click "send a message via e-mail to puff4" .

I've been in touch with him. His Alpine is running fine and he now has a 1953 MG-TD also.

If there are any new south Wales or Queensland sunbeams lurking, Kevin is visiting Australia next month and would like to meet local sunbeamer's or visit classic car events