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Adding an Album to my Albums in Gallery


Silver Level Sponsor
Could someone please explain how I can add a new album to my albums? I seem to have forgotten how to do this. Thanks.
I think you go to "Gallery", then select the "Add Media" button in the upper right corner, then click the "An album" radio button, and then "Choose an album..." menu drop down and you can select the "Create an album..." option.


Thank you for your help. I would like to send some pictures to a member. Is there any way to make an album and the pictures will not be posted in the LATEST PICTURES IN THE GALLERY? I do not want to "bother" members looking at parts meant for one specific member.
Thank you for your help. I would like to send some pictures to a member. Is there any way to make an album and the pictures will not be posted in the LATEST PICTURES IN THE GALLERY? I do not want to "bother" members looking at parts meant for one specific member.

You can attach pictures or media to a private message.

When logged in, click on Private Messages at the top-right of any forum page.

At the top-right of the Private Messages page, click on Send a Private Message

At the top of the Send a Private Message page, enter the forum username(s) of the person(s) you want to send the pictures to.

Use the action buttons at the top of the page to attach images, media or media gallery.

Don't y'all have the option of a public or private album?
The new forum software does:)