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A new "Alpine Marque", is there a need?


SAOCA Web/Graphics Service
Donation Time
A call to all SAOCA members!

I’m about get myself into some hot water here or possibly end up bighting more off that I can chew but I think it may be worth it.
I miss the “Alpine Marque” and would like to offer my services to produce some photos and graphics that I hope will again separate our club from all the other car clubs.
The catch in all of this is that I need your support (all club members)!
I would like to produce a new “Alpine Marque” and I have started up a sample issue in hope that everyone will pool together and help.
I have no idea how many issues will be produce or what direction this will take, all I can say is that it is up to you.

I would like to spotlight a club member’s car in each issue. I will require a short story about your car, how you found it, what mods changes, funny stories or just an adventure you had with your car. The most important thing we need is photos, as many as possible (the higher the resolution of image the better). We need interior photos of your car, exterior, engine bay, special detailing, before and after shots, what ever you think.

At first I would like to make the magazine downloadable from the Club web site. The only high quality print that will be produce will go to the club member who provided their story and photos. Their car will be spotlighted on the front cover, a center fold will be made along with a story and photos (this will be fantastic keep sake and would also be great at car shows).

I will do the work if you do!

I have included a couple of sample image from the first two proposed magazines’.
The first image is the cover of the Jan 2008 issue.
The Second image is of the center fold for the next issue.

Please tell me what you think:
Will you write a story and provide photos?
Would you purchase a limited production magazine?
Do you think a PDF file is enough?
Do you care for this type of free design service?

Best regards,
Andrew Masse


Looks like fun Andrew. You can count on me for support.
I have a large collection of magazine ads as well as magazine covers and articles/road tests etc. It would be fun to have an ad or two included and perhaps reprint a magazine article in each issue. Would be a good chance for members to share their print collections with others. pm or email me.

Great Idea! I can't do much, but what ever I can contribute i will.
Andrew, thank you for your dedication.
New Club Magazine

Any kind of help will be appreciated! Even a small story or just an idea would be great. I will do what work on this end to make it all happen.
I love graphics so please provide good quality photos and I will do my magic.

The most important thing is to spotlight a club members car, I would love to get everyone involved. If you love your car you will love it in a centerfold!

But seriously, I think that it's a great idea Andrew and really appreciate your vision and work on this! I'll do anything that I can do to help out.
Guys, the enthusiasm is always appreciated, and expected, but don't miss the point on Andrew's solicitation - he needs YOU to submit an article to make this happen.

We all offer our heartfelt support for what he's trying to do, but he needs solid help in the form of articles so he doesn't have to beg like we did with the Marque magazine.


I love the idea! My problem is that I no longer own the two V6 Alpines that I owned. I will try to get the guy that owns my very first V6 Alpine, to send in some pictures of his Alpine and write a story about his adventures with it. He isn't a member of this club, so would it be alright for him to submit a story and pictures?

I wrote an article for the Australian club's news letter, about the turbocharged Alpine I had. Would you be interested in it? It has pictures with it. I would love to see one of the two as a centerfold in the new mag.

I love the picture of Vader, and would love to have it, either in print form, or electronic. would make a great screen saver.:D

Wow! the picture of Vader looks good, better than in real life! hahahaha guess I need to write something... actually I need to also write the next installment for the V6 conversion. Frig am I behind... Scott is right the problem is getting us lazy smucks to actually write something. I have some old stuff you could use for filler sort of a recycle section.
A call for material for a club magazine.

This is great guys; I hope the receipt of information will be received as quickly as the votes of praise.

I will not make another call for content, as soon as anyone has a story written, pictures taken, the information will be put in a data base for the magazine production (I hope it to be more of a magazine production and not a club news letter but we will have to see how it develops).

The quicker the information is received the quicker I can start on the magazine production and organize different issues for content.

At this point I do not care how long, funny or even the grammar, spelling or the type sentence structure that I receive. You as the writer should not worry about any of this as I don’t expect work from published authors. I need content and stories of the average guy trying to rebuild his car. A story of how you found the car, things that have happened along the way etc. A good number of new car guys can learn from our many experiences and be entertained along the way.

I am not here to judge anyone and I will do my best to polish up the stories and make the photos jump out off the pages of the magazine. I hope everyone can be passionate about this as it is about us and our cars!

This will be a great winter project and I hope to surprise everyone with some ideas that I have.

So this is my one and only call for content! If the information is received the publication will exist. It is up to you as a club and up to you personally if you would like your car documented and some cool graphics produced about your adventure in your car!

I have a good number of ideas and hope that I can make membership in the club a must for everyone. All content and the finished product will be judged by club officials to ensure that it looks good and grammatically (I hope that is a work, ha, ha) correct. I will be great to get everyone involved; from club officials down to the little guys who have an Alpine in the barn that is not on the road any longer (they have good stories and intensions just like the rest of us). It is just as much fun to see pictures of the old diamonds in the rough as I always try to see the potential in something. Let’s be, positive, positive, in all of this!

Oops, there I go starting too be passionate again.

So here I am looking for your information and please email me or PM me your content as soon as you have a story and photos (photos if possible, higher the res the better). Even if you have an old Alpine ad (and it can be rough shape as I will graphicly reproduce it for the magazine) fire it off and I will see if it can be used.

Andrew Masse

Wow! the picture of Vader looks good, better than in real life! hahahaha guess I need to write something... actually I need to also write the next installment for the V6 conversion. Frig am I behind... Scott is right the problem is getting us lazy smucks to actually write something. I have some old stuff you could use for filler sort of a recycle section.

Thanks for the note Jim. I took a bunch of pictured during the Invasion this year. The important thing is to set the camera on high res.
I look forward to your help and anything you can provide will be appreciated.

I love the graphic end of things so if you have a name for your car or if I can incorporate an idea for a poster it makes finished product very cool. Vader is a great name and the graphic was fun to produce.

Any kind of help, ideas or content will be of use!

Thanks Jim and everyone who has made comment to date!
Andrew Masse
Sounds like a great idea. I look forward to seeing the first issue and one day getting time to contribute something myself.
Andrew... what can I do to help. Having done this before I can help with ideas, and experience, I can even write articles. Glad to see you offer this. We need it badly.
Alpine Magazine

Andrew... what can I do to help. Having done this before I can help with ideas, and experience, I can even write articles. Glad to see you offer this. We need it badly.

Hi Ian,

It would be great to chat about possible ideas and what you had to face in the past with the Marque production. I will not have time to chase people for information so I hope people will just provide content as soon as they are able to produce it. We can then make a data base and publish the magazine as needed.
I would like it to be more personal and make it a source for everyone to share their stories, car adventures, photos and plans they have for restoration.
Every club member should feel involved and able to share no matter what state their car is in. It would be nice to include a good number of photos in each issue, I love to see the photos especially the before and after type shots.

What ever you can help me with Ian that would be great. I am more of a graphics kind of a guy so I hope to incorporate a good deal of rich graphic content (photos, photos, photos).

Andrew Masse
This is a great idea and thanks to Andrew for offering to do this.

We need you to show your enthuasism for your Rootes/Sunbeam cars plus the club by providing Andrew with stories and pictures. Remember this is The Sunbeam Alpine Owners Club we can all work together to make this great so please take a little time to put pen to paper.

Steven kirk

Andrew did you get my e-mail?