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Sunbeams at PIR Vintage Races


Past President
Gold Level Sponsor

I still haven't figured out webshots. Today's pictures got mixed in with another file. Flip thru and check out the event today.

We got 4 Alpines and one Tiger plus a few others and had a great time. Got to visit with friends and met some new ones who came by when they saw the cars. Turns out there's a new Tiger in town... I gave some new friends the SAOCA website.

Also, Rex Funk and Dave Green posted the fee and took their cars on the track for about 20-25 minutes. Way to show the colors guys! (Me? ...well, ummm, no.... Someone had to take the pictures?... and I need new tires...And the wind wasn't quite right...Sun was in my eyes...) Got some video. I'll e-mail if anyone wants to see them. Can't figure a way to post video here.

Anyway a few of us went for pizza and a few came up to the house and hung out and watched the slodeshow and video, talked about Alpines, Tigers, dogs, trains and just a bunch of guy stuff....

Rick/Skywords-Dave will burn you a DVD. Or PM me an address and I'll burn and send you one...

We plan to do it again in the fall for the other HSR event at PIR. Ed from HSR was kind enough to come over and check in with us. Nice gentleman. Fun event. We'll try to set up another get together in Tucson in the not to distant future or just wait til Fall.

Anyway, to all friends who showed up, thanks. Great to see every one. To the new guys who came over and introduced themselves, welcome.

I'll post the names of the attendees later.
Nick & all Az Sunbeamers,

It was fun. "Sprout" had a blast running on the track. She even did pass one Japaneze crossover. She also was gracious in letting others pass her! The experience was great. Thanks to Loubeam for the entrants fee. He enjoyed the shotgun seat!!;)
Cast of Charactors

From Phoenix

Jim Dimond (Who looks like he's getting the bug again)
Mike Magiure brought his Green MkII
Robert Wright
Me and my Series "6"

From Tucson

Dave Green brought his Series I (and drove the wheels off it on the track!)
Dave Tribu & father Will
Rick & Dawn Barter with kids Brought his Series I
George Padwolski (Who built my car)
Lou Bright
Rex Funk Brought his Series II (And gave Dave Green some track competition)

I have some video of Dave and Rex on the track. THAT was really cool....

Add to that the guys who either raced Alpines at one time or another, and the 3-4 owners who didn't know there were other Sunbeamers in Arizona. We gave out the club's website.