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Spring starter, no electric problems


Bronze Level Sponsor
A couple of pulls of the cord and the spring starter will have enough energy to get your engine started
Could this be the future of our "green" brainwashing to save energy?
(answer- Probably yes, for the liberals are pushing the going green adjenda on us, but not for them)


Donation Time
I thought this idea was tried before... about a hundred years ago with the crank starter! (The only improvement: this won't kick back and kill you.)


Bronze Level Sponsor
I'm not sure where you are coming from, but its not rotating a crank starter at all. Its more like the wind-up, lawn mower starter from the 70s. The spring stores the carbon free energy from the human, right?
(I expect to see these on the 2010 GM Trailblazers (and other SUVs) from a Nancy Pelosi ruling in Congress next year!):D


Donation Time
Now this would be attractive if it was electric with the spring pull unit as a back up. But would I replace my 12V starter for this? I think not. Just as I would not replace my standard balloon tires for those low profile things. Some of those low profile wheels and tires make me think we are going back to wagon wheels.


Donation Time
Jan; it would be nice to have an energy source from the burning of fuel that is carbon free, but this unfortunately wouldn't be it. Human work requires the burning of carbohydrates in the muscles and results in the production of carbon dioxide, just the same as the hydrocarbon fuel in your engine does. No free lunches, as they say.

Speaking of lunch, the repair and replacement of muscle tissue consequent to work performed requires the consumption of amino acids, which most of us get from cattle. One of the highest sources of so-called greenhouse gases is the eructation and flatulence of the billions of cattle worldwide, especially the methane, which is a far more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. (Hello, Kyoto and Algore!)

I thought of inventing a purely mechanical starter some years ago. It would be some kind of coil spring kept in permanent tension via a slip-clutch, which you could activate to start the engine by a remote control that released a pawl. But even that would only be using energy derived ultimately from the engine burning fuel, hence CO2.

Now if you had a magneto, instead of a coil & dissy, if you stopped the engine at the right moment in its cycle you could start up simply by moving the timing. I had a neighbor with a vintage Rolls who used to do that trick to amuse the bystanders, by moving the timing lever on his steering wheel boss. It was weird, hearing the engine just start without any harsh mechanical clanking.

Other than that, the only carbon-neutral way to start the engine (other than electricity from nuclear power or windmills stored in the battery) is to park facing downhill, the way I always had to start my first car.


Bronze Level Sponsor
Please! All of your right-wing jargon is all non-applicable (to the far left "Green" agenda). You make too much sense, and therfore...why listen to it?
Besides the new Government laws to incorporate these green-carbon free devices for our cars, the liberals will also outlaw burning wood in our fireplaces.
Hey!.....It creates air pollution! Its bad for your health.
(Do as I say...Not as I do):D

Jim E

Donation Time
Guys...... might I suggest you stop listening to the conservative doctor shopper or at least on occasion listen to a non-neo-con media, maybe something balanced like NPR. just a suggestion.

Now and no need to respond to this again just something to think about.... what if they are right? is it posible in your wildest imagination? can you at all see it? something causes smog in LA, burning high sulpher coal is pretty much accepted as a bad idea, some folks will go so far as to admitt smoking is bad for you, well not my mom but some folks.

Mercy had this talk the other night and a friend told me he did not believe in global warming because his belief system, higher power, does not allow for such nonsense or if it did it was meant to be....and nothing he could do about it.

So there politics and god.... guess I will have to delete my own post.

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
Environmentally, it is hard to see the application for this device. No real opportunity to use it in any car that is not incredibly primitive as there is still the need for an alternator and battery, which is environmentally more difficult than the "juice" used for an electric starter. It has no application in a Diesel that will be used in cold weather as starting aids should be used as a last resort. Guess you could use the old acetylene torch trick, but that makes little sense. So that leaves mag fired stationary gasoline engines and warm weather Diesels.

It is interesting to note that we have people on this site that cannot even discuss a starter without stooping to personal attacks. Guess that makes them an instant winner. Sure tends to limit any intelligent conversation.



Donation Time
Do you think the motoring public would ever adopt such an idea? I highly doubt it!!! What owner could stand the humiliation to be required to pull a cord to drive their two and a half ton overstuffed couch with individual climate controlled seating, telecom equipted, electronically navigated, entertainment center furnished conveyance on wheels? The only way they would embrace it would be if it was accuated automatically by way of their new video capture music storing internet surfing i phones.:D:D:D Jeff


Bronze Level Sponsor
Please! All of your right-wing jargon is all non-applicable (to the far left "Green" agenda). You make too much sense, and therfore...why listen to it?
All written in a sarcastic voice :D:D:D
(I guess some got it...some didn't, I should have spelled it out, sorry)

I'll use this phrase from now on, just to be sure:
(sarcastic voice used)


Donation Time
Guys...... might I suggest you stop listening to the conservative doctor shopper or at least on occasion listen to a non-neo-con media, maybe something balanced like NPR. just a suggestion.

NPR is balanced?:D I'll leave that one alone; it's hilarious enough as it stands.

what if they are right? is it posible in your wildest imagination? can you at all see it? something causes smog in LA, burning high sulpher coal is pretty much accepted as a bad idea,

Speaking of balance: This is all that the "The Sky May Not Be Falling" crowd, of which I am one, want. It may be happening, and it may be largely due to human activity. If so, it is a very serious problem and we should be taking steps to prevent or ameliorate it. And with such an important subject, all scientific evidence, both pro- and con, must be heard.

However, global warming has now both moved firmly into the political arena and spawned a multi-billion $ industry, so that even eminent scientists questioning the "accepted truth," or advancing evidence to the contrary, are ignored, mocked, or in some cases called Hitlers, Nazis, "as bad as holocaust deniers" and even fired from their jobs.

Contrary to what you read in the overwhelmingly left-leaning media, and from Algore and his clique, climatological and environmental scientists worldwide do not universally agree about either the degree of global warming, its implications (is it 20 feet of sea rise or two inches?) or man's responsibility. Far from it. I started some research last month of noted, even famous scientists in this field who disagree, or demand more evidence, and stopped when by the letter C I had a total of over 80.

A couple of months ago, schools in the UK were showing Gore's An Inconvenient Truth without any discussion of a contrary point of view, so a high court judge asked a group of scientists to review it. Their conclusion was that virtually every one of the claims made in the film were bogus, exaggerations, based on faulty interpretation of data, or presented only one piece of evidence and ignored the contrary (e.g: while arctic ice is undoubtedly melting [but we have no effect on sea levels, since it already floats on the sea], Antarctica is adding hundreds of thousands of tons each year; while the film shows receding and disappearing glaciers in one part of the globe, it ignores those that are growing longer and deeper).

Here is just one of the judge's statements:

"Mr. Gore’s spokesman and 'environment advisor,' Ms. Kalee Kreider, begins by saying that the film presented 'thousands and thousands of facts.' It did not: just 2,000 'facts' in 93 minutes would have been one fact every three seconds. The film contained only a few dozen points, most of which will be seen to have been substantially inaccurate."

Even the UK Government, to which Gore is a climate-change advisor, had to admit the film did not represent mainstream scientific opinion. The judge ordered that schools must present a contrary point of view and a rebuttal of Gore's claims where necessary. Why is this not the same over here?

I have the complete report by the judge. It is much too lengthy to cite here, but if anyone cares to send me a PM or email, I'll be happy to send it. It's an eye-opener and should be read by anyone who thinks that Algore really deserved the Nobel Prize.

Some fundamental facts that all the global warming "experts" (many of them non-scientists, and many of whom pognosticated a New Ice Age 30 years ago) ignore, evade or distort:

1) CO2 increases follow global warming, they don't cause it.
2) The biggest increase in CO2 levels occurred during the 30 years 1940-1970 (coincident with the immense industrial proliferation for rearmament 1940-45, and consumer goods 1946-70), during which time global temperatures actually decreased.
3) The much-trumpeted NASA figures showing that the four hottest years occurred since 2000 was found, by a NASA researcher, to be based on faulty data. NASA quietly reversed itself and changed the four hottest years to the 1930s. I believe the whistle-blower at NASA lost his job for that. Did you see any of that in the media? Of course not.

Incidentally: Two months ago, China officially passed the USA as the world's worst polluter. Chinese coal-fired power plants emit more sulfur dioxide (the main cause of acid rain) and mercury than any other country. China is the leading importer of illegally harvested timber (there go the rain forests and their ability to absorb CO2). Most of the airborne sulfur and mercury entering the USA from the west coast originates in China. China adds 14,000 new cars to its roads each day (5.1 million per year), each a potent greenhouse-gas emitter. 70% of its non-transportation energy comes from burning 3.2 billion tons of coal each year, but that's nothing. China and India are building, or planning to build, 2,200 new coal-fired power plants by 2030. 775 are planned to be on line in four years. China alone is opening three per week. China is the biggest polluter of the Pacific Ocean.

However, China, India, and other high-polluting 3rd-World countries like Brazil and Indonesia (whose logging of their rain forests produces 20% of the world's CO2), are specifically excluded from the provisions of the present Kyoto Accord, one of the reasons why we have refused to sign it. Another reason is that Kyoto is simply irrelevant: The planned reduction in CO2 will be totally negated by China's and India's new power plants:


Only the USA, and certain other western countries, are targeted. Kyoto is like the United Nations - just another useless forum where they can bash America.


Donation Time
It really won't matter what any of us think about the subject for we are only spectators. Think they will let us vote on any of the new standards for emissions? It will all be decided by the people with the gold. If they make us use rubber bands for power then we just get bigger rubber bands. :rolleyes:


Donation Time
Nick, you might be interested in what these guys say:

Of course there is no reason to think they are right and the judge is wrong. They are merely scientists. Bill

Bill, Bill. You're missing (what a surprise!) my point. Global warming may be happening, and mankind may be a major cause, just as some scientists say. But the contrary point of view deserves to be given equal exposure, and the fallacious "facts" quoted by many of the "warming" side exposed, but that is not happening. It should, must, be pointed out that the earth goes through these freeze/warm cycles every 1500 years or so, and has always done so, even before mankind was burning more than a few camp fires.

Gore's film is scaring little kids because nobody (except in the UK) is telling them that it may well not be true. "Oh the poor polar bear is drowning!" and the glaciers are all melting, and we're all going to be submerged!" "No, Johnny, he's not. Polar bears are very good swimmers, and some have been observed swimming up to 90 miles in search of food. And their numbers are not going down; quite the contrary. And while some glaciers are receding, others are advancing so quickly that they are threatening habitations. And many famous scientists say that the sea is not going to rise more than a few inches, and even that would take 100 years."

And Bill, the judge was not giving his own opinion, he was summing up what the scientists who reviewed Algore's film concluded: it is junk to make a political point. As I said, I am happy to send you their point-by-point demolishing of all of the claims made in An Inconvenient Truth (should have been called "Convenient Lies"). Bet you don't ask. (Don't confuse me with facts: My mind is made up?) As for the Nobel Peace Prize; this is nothing but a political statement and is now generally awarded to anyone who can try to make the USA look bad. The guy awarding it to Jimmy Carter said as much. And Yassir Arafart being given the prize, fer Chris sake?

When I started college we were told by the head of the chemistry department that science was simply a search for the truth, based on provable facts, and should never be associated with politics. It was here that I learned what a hypothesis is - a best guess to explain observable phenomena, that should lead to research and the hunt for facts on which to build a theory. Man-induced global warming is a hypothesis still. It is not a theory because many, or most, of the "facts" supporting it are based on faulty observation or deduction (e.g. NASA's "warmest years"), and are disputed by many eminent researchers.

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
Nick, speaking of missing the point, and not understanding, you set the standard. The truth is, you mess with something long enough, you WILL have an impact. Burning fossil fuel will have an impact on the climate. Bald fact. The only question is when. Which is a stupid question. If it happens tomorrow or in 300 years, why are we doing it?

This other crap is a side show to distract people from the truth.


Donation Time
Here's some more "crap."

Kate Ravilious
for National Geographic News

February 28, 2007
Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause.

Mars, too, appears to be enjoying more mild and balmy temperatures.

In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun.

"The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars," he said. Abdussamatov believes that changes in the sun's heat output can account for almost all the climate changes we see on both planets.

Mars and Earth, for instance, have experienced periodic ice ages throughout their histories. "Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance," Abdussamatov said.

Must be emissions from those Mars Rovers we keep sending up. But wait. They're powered by solar energy. Back to the drawing board.:)

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
Nick, along with missing the point, you seem to excel at ignoring the obvious and changing the subject. Your post does not in any way relate to our situation and I will not comment further on it unless you can demonstrate these planets have a complex climate created by the interaction of life with natural forces.

Nice try, but no cigar.



Donation Time
I was going to write, "Jan- I was being facietious in my comment. I kinda figured there was a difference mechanically. I'd like to give a spring starter a try just for kicks sometime." -But now, with all this debate raging, I'm staying out of this fracas. I know where I stand and it's not up for debate.

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
I was going to write, "Jan- I was being facietious in my comment. I kinda figured there was a difference mechanically. I'd like to give a spring starter a try just for kicks sometime." -But now, with all this debate raging, I'm staying out of this fracas. I know where I stand and it's not up for debate.

Howard, there really is no debate and there is no raging, at least here in Connersville.

Either you believe our climate has changed over the eons due to a change (reduction) in the CO2 levels in the atmosphere, or you don't. If you do believe the change occurred, you have to accept the logic that releasing the CO2 will cause a change back towards the original conditions. Then you have to rationalize our continued release of CO2 if you attack "liberals" for advocating a change to carbon neutral energy sources. Maybe this will simplify my position so Nick will respond with an explanation that is applicable to the planet Earth.

Really trying to keep politics out of the exchange. And I'd love to see the starter demonstrated. If it had been a viable contraption 90 years ago it would have change automotive history. No need for any electrical system for the cars.
