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Run to Vancouver Island BC


Donation Time
Well the 6th is the start of a 5 day program. We are leaving Portland about 8 am to meet up with 4-5 Sunbeams, just north of Vancouver, Washington. I figure a slow and lazy trip to the NW corner of Washington to our over night stay in Sequim WA. Then Thursday from Port Angeles WA., we are catching the Coho Ferry to Vancouver Island. So far there are 26 Sunbeam registered for the Rootes Rondezvous 5. :D

To those that have never been to the NW we always welcome you.

The next scheduled item is the Portland Oregon, All British Field Meet www.abfm-pdx.com over the Labor Day week end.

We are currently assembling parts ;=) for the SUNl 5 in Fargo SD next year.
After that there is another Rootes Rondezvous in Canada, from Vancover BC up into the interior abit then cross to Osoyoos, BC .
Just an update from the Great North West
Run to Vancouver Island BC UPDATE!!

A Great thanks to the organizers of this gathering. 26 cars from British Columbia, Washington and Oregon all met here, and any one in the Great North West that missed it, really missed out. After the arrival on Thursday, on the Vancouver Island, Victora, meet /greet we all settled down to a slow roar.

From the Oregon and Washington area we had 1 Hillman Husky, 4 Alpines and 4 Tigers running every where. Then came the I'll look at yours, you can look at mine fun over a brown bubbly.

Friday was a laid back start; Well,, in Canada,, every day is kind of laid back.eh!.. Late breakfast, we drove over to a wonderful host Rudi Koniczek, who has a very nice repete,, very nice stable of restored Mercedes 350 SL Gullwings and is a clasic restorer of same, plus of other fine cars.
Great dinner after and general meeting.

Saturday, another laid back, but exciting day. We went for a long drive around the whole city of Victoria and the lower protion of Vancouver Island. Then thorugh the country side for a visit with another restorer. Bill Small who just happens have Alpines and an assortment of other nice cars in various stages of restore. Bill and company put on a real great faire of snacks and drink your choice.

Sunday it was off to the show. We al checked out of the hotel and headed north to the Cowichan Valley Car Show at Mill Bay aboout 60 Km north towards Nanaimo. A great time to be had by all that were able to make this one,, all sorts of cars, old, newer and really old. 1914 Humber..

Then off to see friends on a small island off Nanaimo , Gabriola.
A stay over night and to home on Tuesday .
Cheers to all