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Club Money handling


Platinum Level Sponsor
Since I have volunteered to run for either VP or Treasurer, I have read the by laws a little more thoroughly. (Some of you may know that I am in insurance so everything scars me.) This post is not aimed at anyone or anything, I do not know many members and have only met about 3. Disclaimer done.

The handling of any money is left to the Treasurer or the President but few other instructions are given other than the T has to report to the Governing Board. This has potential problems that many businesses and organizations face.

It is my opinion that the following things be adopted by the Club:

1- All bank statements are mailed to another officer or officers. The T can get a copy if the bank will do it. Otherwise it can be forwarded to the T from a recieving officer.
2- All checks are accompanied by an invoice or reason for dispursement and require the signature of the T and another officer.
3- With the changing of the T, the bank should remain unchanged unless there are other problems that require a change.
4-All club moneys must be in the Club account and cannot be comingled with anyones personal funds.

I know that we are not dealing with big bucks here and that too much organization can ruin a good thing but handling money is one of those things you have to have solid rules about.

I hope I have offended anyone as there is absolutely none intended. My occupation over these last 35 years has been dealing with stuff like this and a few precautions can avoid hard feelings later on.
Thanks for the input we may need to make some changes in the SAOCA by-laws.

1- All bank statements are mailed to another officer or officers. The T can get a copy if the bank will do it. Otherwise it can be forwarded to the T from a recieving officer.
These could be e-mailed quaterly to other officers.
2- All checks are accompanied by an invoice or reason for dispursement and require the signature of the T and another officer.
An invoice is required for dispursement or approval by the governing board for pre-paid expenses. At present the T keeps the records.
3- With the changing of the T, the bank should remain unchanged unless there are other problems that require a change.
This makes sense
4-All club moneys must be in the Club account and cannot be comingled with anyones personal funds.
Agreed this needs to be in the next revision of the clubs by laws
Thanks for the input we may need to make some changes in the SAOCA by-laws.

1- All bank statements are mailed to another officer or officers. The T can get a copy if the bank will do it. Otherwise it can be forwarded to the T from a recieving officer.
These could be e-mailed quaterly to other officers.
2- All checks are accompanied by an invoice or reason for dispursement and require the signature of the T and another officer.
An invoice is required for dispursement or approval by the governing board for pre-paid expenses. At present the T keeps the records.
3- With the changing of the T, the bank should remain unchanged unless there are other problems that require a change.
This makes sense
4-All club moneys must be in the Club account and cannot be comingled with anyones personal funds.
Agreed this needs to be in the next revision of the clubs by laws

If the bank is to remain the same then a national bank will have to be selected. If so, the officers should approve the selected bank.
-Chuck Edwards
If the bank is to remain the same then a national bank will have to be selected. If so, the officers should approve the selected bank.
-Chuck Edwards

A national bank probably won't work either as no national bank has branches in every State. When I was Treasurer, we used Wells Fargo. When Chuck took over he had no branches available to him. Thus the change was made.

Regarding the 2nd Officer signature for a check, Ian and I tried this a few years ago and without going into too much detail, it was logistically very difficult due to the nature of our nationwide Club.
With all due respect, we can't be talking about a great amount. Many of our members don't contribute anyway. After all our "dues" are voluntary and tiered.

A bank statement is a bank statement. The Treasurer can make copies and mail them to the other board members to review and the club can pick up the postage. Assuming the board members have checking accounts and balance them monthly, they should be familiar with them.

One of the reasons I'm sure we have trouble getting people to run for office is making it difficult to do the jobs they run for. We should make it as easy on them so as not to interfere with the Non-Alpine portion of their lives. As long as the business gets done correctly and the statements can be reviewed who the heck cares what bank the account is in? (As long as it doesn't end up in a "Trust" like the "Series6 Restoration Project Trust")
The bank is not a critical issue but having the bank statements go to someone else assures that dispursements are checked. Not doing this is how the trusted bookkeeper of 40 years manages to steal the company blind. Anyway, they were suggestions and I think it is good to talk them out.
Not to be overly critical here, but do you all mean disbursements instead of dispersements? Especially if you are contemplating putting it into the bylaws.

Two words that are commonly confused are "disperse" and "disburse."
Disperse means to scatter, disseminate, or distribute. Ex: The crowd
dispersed after the meeting. Disburse means to pay out. Ex: Our
weekly expenses were disbursed.
Any possibility the bank in question can generate either emailed statements (automatically sent to officers) or has an online banking 'audit only' offering -- allowing online inspection of account details with the proper username/password, but without transaction capabilities?
Not to be overly critical here, but do you all mean disbursements instead of dispersements? Especially if you are contemplating putting it into the bylaws.

Two words that are commonly confused are "disperse" and "disburse."
Disperse means to scatter, disseminate, or distribute. Ex: The crowd
dispersed after the meeting. Disburse means to pay out. Ex: Our
weekly expenses were disbursed.

[** desperately resisting the temptation to make note of our government's similar confusion, and it being largely the reason for the situation we're in! **]
Handling the Clubs monies....

Since I have volunteered .... I hope I have offended anyone as there is absolutely none intended. My occupation over these last 35 years has been dealing with stuff like this and a few precautions can avoid hard feelings later on.

Tracy, in your post and in reference to the last paragraph and first line ...

(could it be that you meant ) " I hope that I have NOT offended...."

[** desperately resisting the temptation to make note of our government's similar confusion, and it being largely the reason for the situation we're in! **]

Thanks Kevin,
I needed that. In the current lexicon, ROTFLMAO.:D