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Charlton Heston's death...


Donation Time
He passed away Saturday after a long fight with Alzheimer's. He was 84.

Sad news. What a great guy who was in so many films I have liked over the years.

Two come to mind quickly -

Soylent Green (1973)


"Soyent Green is People!"

The Ωmega Man (1971)


R.I.P. my man.


Donation Time
Once they quit filling the great epic pictures though there just never seemed to be a role he did that was quite as big as he was. I liked seeing him, just sometimes seemed to be like using one of those huge mining shovels to plant a flower bed.


Past President
Gold Level Sponsor
Mr. Heston

I went to an NRA dinner back in the early 80's and he and Roy Rogers were the guest speakers. (Put your gun politics aside for a moment, please)

Roy Rogers got up and gave a wonderful talk mixing his homespun charm with some very sharp commentary. He then introduced Charlton Heston who gave a rousing speech, and then recited a poem by Robert Frost. The audience was silent and transfixed. He was a master of the language. They both got long standing ovations.

When it was over an NRA hot shot presented each of them a gift and then began to say goodbye to everyone. Roy Rogers pushed him aside and said "We can't leave tonight without singing "Happy Trails", now can we?" Since we all grew up with Roy and Dale, the crowd roared in approval. He began and we all joined in, including Charlton Heston.

I'll never forget the night I sang Happy Trails with Roy and Moses.... :D


Donation Time
Omega Man ROCKS! (Well, for an old 70's movie.) The recent "I am Legend" Will Smith movie is a remake. Both movies are good, IMHO, and are different as night and day because of the main characters portrayals.

Heston exuded manliness, a quality not only lacking but almost punishable by law in this chickified era. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going outside to spit and cuss REAL LOUD and kick a sleeping pit bull.


Donation Time
Did you know that Omega Man is also a remake of a film called "The Last Man on Earth" with Vincent Price made around 1960. Like Omega man it's take on the infected people is typical of it's time. Last man sees them as 1950s type slow moving, dim witted zombies instead of Omega Man's basically insane people who see themselves as the only rational ones.


Donation Time
Most of the Mainstream Media couldn't resist slipping an anti-NRA rant into their obituaries of Mr. Heston. Our local major paper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, published an editorial today condemning the defeat in the Pennsylvania legislature of yet another bill aimed at law-abiding gun owners and, yes, there was the predictable back of the hand to Heston.

Irrespective of your opinion of the meaning of the NRA, the Second Amendment or gun possession, this kind of insult of a great American is unnecessary and offensive. Here is a letter I sent to them, which has probably a 20% chance of being published:

To the Editor
The Philadelphia Inquirer
400 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19101

Dear Sir:

The Inquirer’s gratuitous April 10 editorial insult (“Charlton Heston would be proud”), just five days after that great American’s death, was despicable. It reminds one of George Clooney’s remark in 2003 that Heston's conservative stance was due to his Alzheimer's. Asked if he went too far with his remarks, Clooney said that because Heston was the head of the NRA he deserved "whatever anyone says about him." No doubt Mr. Clooney would applaud the Inquirer.

Charlton Heston’s position reflects that of the majority of NRA members: Punish the criminals, and those who encourage them, not law-abiding gun owners. In 1992, he condemned the infamous Ice-T rap song "Cop Killer," just released on a Time Warner-distributed music label. Heston appeared at a Time Warner shareholders' meeting and ruthlessly rebuked the top executives of the giant corporation, whose studio had cast him in so many movies, for releasing the song. He then stood up and read the lyrics. Few there had ever heard the actual words before, and as Heston recited the homicidal, anti-police rant, the room filled with his booming baritone. When he finished, the audience was so stunned you could hear a pin drop.

If Mr. Heston were still alive I’m sure that he would condemn the prosecutors who agree to plea deals and the judges who impose light sentence on the criminals who use guns, and point out that there are already over 20,000 federal, state and local gun laws, most of which are rarely, if ever, invoked.


Nick O'Dell


Past President
Gold Level Sponsor
Heston vs Clooney

Heston marched for Civil Rights in the 50's. He always stood for individual rights. 50 years from now, they will still be showing Ben Hur, 10 Commandments and his other work. Clooney will be a Trivial Pursuit punchline.

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
Maybe he was for individual rights, but was an insensitive clod. Why else would he participate in gun rights rallys in cities within a couple of months of school shootings? Then to top it off, a liar, claiming he was unaware of the situation!

But being a liar in this country now days does not seem to create much negativity.


tony perrett

Gold Level Sponsor
We are getting a lot of coverage in UK of your elections and Senator Clinton has admitted to "misspeaking" which I assume is a euphemism for lying, or does this have a more subtle meaning?

Alpine 1789

SAOCA President
Diamond Level Sponsor
We are getting a lot of coverage in UK of your elections and Senator Clinton has admitted to "misspeaking" which I assume is a euphemism for lying, or does this have a more subtle meaning?

Truthfully, this one stumps me. I am no fan of Hillary Clinton (or Charlton Heston, for that matter) but I have a hard time chalking it up to a simple lie. It is just too hard for me to believe that she would lie about something so easily verified. Who would lie about something when the press was right there all the time? Nor can it be campaign exhaustion, as she has claimed, since she repeated it so many times. I would understand if she'd been under sniper fire some place else and simply got her locations confused, but I am sure this would have surfaced. So, the only explanation I can come up with, which is worse than lying in my opinion, is that she believed what she said.

Kind of like Reagan, who frequently mixed up his movie roles with his real life.

Ken Ellis

Donation Time
In a non-partisan manner, I offer the following attempt at clarification:

Misspeaking can mean one of two things, depending on whether the misspeaker is a member of your particular political party.

1. A national-level politician is exposed to a blinding amount of factual information and conversations throughout their career, and it's impossible to remember verbatim what they said in any given situation -- especially when every comment is researched and catalogued ad-nauseum by the press/opponents/pundits, etc. and the politician is speaking with no notes in response to a shouted newsconference question.

2. They got caught lying.

Notice number 2 doesn't say 'they were lying.' Only that they were caught. And chances are when their apology is dissected, it turns out they are sorry they were caught, not neccessarily that they lied. (!)

Did I forget to mention non-partisan?

The language in political discourse and advertising is incredibly crafted to convey an impression, but to avoid the actual facts if at all possible. On first listen, it sounds fine, direct, and genuine. Only when you dig in do the inconsistencies and evasion become evident. I've spent years of my life in audio recording sessions for political radio and TV advertisements, for every party, and was disheartening how little respect for accuracy was in evidence.

Sincerity is easily the most important thing in communications.
And if you can fake that, you've got it made.

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
This thing about Hillary is disturbing. I served in a combat zone, was lucky enough to never come under attack. Saw some nighttime chopper attacks (incredibly neat looking) and some deranged outgoing fire on our side. But that's about it. However, I can guarantee that if I had come under direct fire, I would remember it. Don't see how a person could not remember. And very vividly. If Hillery had been under sniper fire on several occasions, I could see how she could confuse a mission where there was no fire with one that had fire. It seems she has never been under attack, (other than by Bill) so the logical explanation is it was something she conjured up in her imagination.

That is scary.



Donation Time
we may never know what was going throught Hillary's mind when this was said. I notice that when quizzed at first she remembered a little girl with flowers, which was verified by the news footage, but as someone she basically ran past and didn't spend time with. I think she's almost incapable
of realizing and admitting speaking in error no matter what the proof that's presented.


Donation Time
Maybe he was for individual rights, but was an insensitive clod. Why else would he participate in gun rights rallys in cities within a couple of months of school shootings? Then to top it off, a liar, claiming he was unaware of the situation!

But being a liar in this country now days does not seem to create much negativity.


In fact, the NRA rally had been scheduled long before the Columbine massacre. In his putrid, dishonest film Fahrenheit 9 11, that fat repulsive slug Michael Moore stitched the two events together to make it appear that Heston was celebrating the shootings. And looney left-wing nuts fell for it.

Some of Charlton Heston's statements should be required reading:

"...the God fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle- class Protestant-or even worse, evangelical Christian, Midwestern or Southern- or even worse, rural, apparently straight-or even worse, admitted heterosexuals, gun-owning-or even worse, NRA-card-carrying, average working stiff-or even worse, male working stiff; not only don’t you count, you are a down-right obstacle to social progress. Your voice deserves a lower decibel level, your opinion is less enlightened, your media access is insignificant, and frankly, mister, you need to wake up, wise up, and learn a little something from your new-America and until you do, would you mind shutting up?"

In an address to students at Harvard Law School entitled Winning the Cultural War, Heston said, "If Americans believed in political correctness, we'd still be King George's boys - subjects bound to the British crown." He went on:

"The Constitution was handed down to guide us by a bunch of wise old dead white guys who invented our country! Now some flinch when I say that. Why! Its true-they were white guys! So were most of the guys that died in Lincoln’s name opposing slavery in the 1860s. So why should I be ashamed of white guys? Why is “Hispanic Pride†or “Black Pride†a good thing, while “White Pride†conjures shaven heads and white hoods? Why was the Million Man March on Washington celebrated by many as progress, while the Promise Keepers March on Washington was greeted with suspicion and ridicule? I’ll tell you why, Cultural warfare!"

Rest in peace, Mr. Heston: All American.

husky drvr

Platinum Level Sponsor
In fact, the NRA rally had been scheduled long before the Columbine massacre. In his putrid, dishonest film Fahrenheit 9 11, that fat repulsive slug Michael Moore stitched the two events together to make it appear that Heston was celebrating the shootings. And looney left-wing nuts fell for it.

Some of Charlton Heston's statements should be required reading:

"...the God fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle- class Protestant-or even worse, evangelical Christian, Midwestern or Southern- or even worse, rural, apparently straight-or even worse, admitted heterosexuals, gun-owning-or even worse, NRA-card-carrying, average working stiff-or even worse, male working stiff; not only don’t you count, you are a down-right obstacle to social progress. Your voice deserves a lower decibel level, your opinion is less enlightened, your media access is insignificant, and frankly, mister, you need to wake up, wise up, and learn a little something from your new-America and until you do, would you mind shutting up?"

In an address to students at Harvard Law School entitled Winning the Cultural War, Heston said, "If Americans believed in political correctness, we'd still be King George's boys - subjects bound to the British crown." He went on:

"The Constitution was handed down to guide us by a bunch of wise old dead white guys who invented our country! Now some flinch when I say that. Why! Its true-they were white guys! So were most of the guys that died in Lincoln’s name opposing slavery in the 1860s. So why should I be ashamed of white guys? Why is “Hispanic Pride†or “Black Pride†a good thing, while “White Pride†conjures shaven heads and white hoods? Why was the Million Man March on Washington celebrated by many as progress, while the Promise Keepers March on Washington was greeted with suspicion and ridicule? I’ll tell you why, Cultural warfare!"

Rest in peace, Mr. Heston: All American.


You missed including the fact that Mr. Heston also strongly supported and lobbied for President Johnson's "Gun Control Act of 1968".

Kind of makes one think Mr. Heston has been portrayed in a bad light just for those people who are not willing to objectively examine both sides of an issue and draw their own conclusions. :(

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
Nick, what a coincidence, a rally scheduled in the town (or nearby town) months before the shooting in Colorado. I suppose the Michigan rally had also been pre-arranged. That aside, his failure to apologize for any mental anguish or grief these events might have created sealed the deal for me. It should have been so to do, if indeed, they had been arranged months prior to the shootings. His response, "What, me apologize? Exit, stage right.

Have you by chance seen the film? Your personal attacks on Roger do nothing to diminish this boorish arrogance of Heston.


husky drvr

Platinum Level Sponsor
Nick, what a coincidence, a rally scheduled in the town (or nearby town) months before the shooting in Colorado. I suppose the Michigan rally had also been pre-arranged. That aside, his failure to apologize for any mental anguish or grief these events might have created sealed the deal for me. It should have been so to do, if indeed, they had been arranged months prior to the shootings. His response, "What, me apologize? Exit, stage right.

Have you by chance seen the film? Your personal attacks on Roger do nothing to diminish this boorish arrogance of Heston.


apology usually applies to an expression of regret for a mistake or wrong with implied admission of guilt or fault and with or without reference to mitigating or extenuating circumstances ( Merriam Webster )

I fail to see where Mr. Heston personally owed anyone an apology. He was not involved in either crime. Nor was the NRA. Why did he need to do something that would imply that he was in some way related to the actions of criminals involved in heinous crimes? I would say that he abruptly ended an interview that was designed to cast him as an evil villain no matter his response.