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My new Project - Subeam series 3



Hi all... I am new to the site. I live in South Africa and have sunbeam series 3. I am stripping it to the bone and re-spraying it.... The engine is still original...

Any comments or tips?

I'm trying to decide weather to restore to original or go haywire and put fire down the sides after market rims etc?

Please advice :)


Former SAOCA Membership Director
Platinum Level Sponsor
Richard, My vote is as original as you can make it ! That said, it's your Alpine do what pleases you.
Good luck with your project, post a picture or two.

Tom j


Donation Time
Richard its your Alpine so build to suit yourself but that beeing said I like the fire of a V6 engine with plenty of power and dependability. Not saying a Alpine 4 cylinder cant be dependable but it must be built properly.A cheap rebuild of the engine will reap undependability that frustrates those that do that and they wonder why. Whatever you build enjoy the build dont rush it and personally I would like to see some fire breathing V6 Alpine's in your country.
Dwain V6 Krazy


Donation Time
the way you want it..

opinions are like navels everybody has one . that being said. build it your way and love it .dont look at it as an investment ,unless you are a pro.. you will not get all the money and time you put into it back . but you can have fun along the way ,if you have the passion and that is worth a lot more than money. look at the build as a marriage ,something to love and be happy with if it is a real passion it will never be finished .thru the journer of the build you will learn each and every little quirk, good and bad that makes it what it is.. good luck earl blu oval


Thank you for your replies guys... I think I'm going to restore it to original... Carnival red or the black colour... If some one could give me the paint mixtures and maybe even a picture of a sunbeam in either colour :)

The project started 2 weeks ago... I will post pics now now...


Guys I'm not too sure how to post pics up on the thread but i'll post the links here so u can follow the progress...

11 November we started stripping... Taking the soft top off, along with all the little bits and pieces like headlights, door panels, seats, ash tray, centre console etc.... The list goes on lol...




Thats just a couple...

18 November pictures :





And thats all for now folks...

If someone could give me adive on where the jacking points are under the sunbeam and advice on techniques used to drop the motor out? Do i lift it our or drop it out the bottom?

If anyone can direct me to a technical page or website that gives me info on all this kind of stuff i would really appreciate it :)

Until next time!! :)


Donation Time
Hi Richard,

Congratulations on your first Alpine project. Looks like a great platform for a restoration. I'm not the one to talk to about stripping out the car, but good luck and I like the blue colour (not sure if it's standard). Keep us all up to date and we will help out when we can.

Regards, Robin.

Jay Laifman

Donation Time
I don't know if you care. But while the car is a S3, the dash is off of a S1 or S2. The S3-SV dash was flat all the way across, covered in black vinyl, or flat wood if it was a GT. The S1/2 had a gray dash that was uncovered, and had those little lips around where the gauges go.

The wood steering wheel is also from a GT. But from all the other GT things that are not there, it's clearly not a GT.

Anyway, don't know if you care.


Donation Time
This question on jacking points has been asked a couple of times and the responses are on this forum. You can do a search to find them all.


thanks for the info... I nevr mesioned it was a GT? just a std series 3 so i thought? :/

Thanks for telling me about the dash... I didnt know that it was from a s1/2... Will try find a picture of the s3 dash and copy it...


Donation Time
I think you have a S3 sports model with a GT steering wheel. I actually think the dash is correct for the car. The Si/II dash does have the raised area for the gauses, but does not have provision for the warning lights in the dash as they are in the speedo and tacho. The S3 sports however did have the raised holes for the gauges and holes for warning lanmps, whichy yours does.. so i think smoeone has simply painted the dash silver and added a GT wheel.


ok i see... i'm not too clued up with the differences between the models...

Can anyone give me advice on how to take the engine out? Steps etc?

Do i drop it out the bottom or lift it out the top?

Jeff Scoville

Donation Time
Actually, if you look at the second photo, it appears to be a GT.
Or maybe not, it just seem the rear bulkhead is smaller than on a standard Alpine.


Donation Time

are you reffering to http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b3...l/STP60727.jpg

to me it seems the car has the hood bag for a softtop, its missing the GT door top rolls and GT door panels and doesn't have the metal supports for the rear and side panels for the GT rear seat. The only reason i know about the support metal support panels is we had to cut them out when we converted my dads SIVGT