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Why is there not an investigation?


Donation Time
Christopher Dodd....is he not the biggest dirt bag criminal we have up there? Wasn't he and Barney Franks on the oversight committee for Freddie Mac and Fannie May? Didn't the both of them tell Bush's formal financial oversight committee that both of those federal agencies were "solvent" and "well maintianed"? Was it not the collapse of those institutions that led to this malaze?

Wasn't it Christopher Dodd that said that in order to keep the unemployment down and fix the economic crisis that we HAD to have the 750 billion dollar stimulas package?

Isn't it his wife that is being investigated for taking bribes to vote a certain way in his homestate?

Now he says that you can't rely on the Congressional Budget Office to have any say as to whether this new Health Care bill is viable or even financially feasible? They say it could cost a trillion. Another says 1.4 trillion and I heard from a comsumer group, it's more like 4 trillion. So he has rejected their input and is going to go to the Presidents budget office for numbers. The same people that brought you the stimulas package? The same people who are pushing the health bill? That's wisdom? That's common sense?


When we had investigations out the ying yang for the last sixteen years, and no one is stepping up and trying to apply the brakes? Just a timid little something...like a " Ummm, excuse me Mr. Senator, sir? Um, could we examine the protocal for just a sec?" ... something....will anyone up there stand up?



Donation Time
It always costs more. Medicare part D, the drug part, was supposed to cost 400 billion over 10 years and they burned through that quickly. Medicare itself was supposed to cost only a fraction of what it does. And so on. No one, partisan or non, can accurately figure even short term costs.


Donation Time
Which begs the next question...why did we let this government get so big and intrusive that we can't even keep it's basic functions under control? It's not ipso facto that the budget office is always wrong. We can't continue to just ignore the fundemental mathematics of our life's earnings these jokers play with.



Donation Time
Think of government and it's employees as like a virus. To survive you want to grow and take over adjacent cells, in this case functions. And there's also the element of empire building that anyone who's worked in corporate America has seen with some percentage of management. It's not helped either by the fact that so many who push and promote programs aim their arguments and the lower end of the income ladder, selling it as their due from a system that keeps them from their place in the sun as it were. Afterall, each of us who's worked years to get where we are in relation to where we started had to have stolen our gains from someone else right....


Donation Time
" ...each according to his means, each according to his ability to pay.." .. yeah...you're comments are clear and concise.

Where do we go from here?

I guess the next election cycle outside the local area is going to be the Senators and Reps. Let's hope, in the midst of these mamby pamby, wishy washy, fear of losing power men and women wake up and proclaim a return to the "guiding principles".

I have changed my registration to Independent and will vet these people with a magnifying glass. No more of this "lesser of two evils" crap. I don't care what animal image you pin on your chest, you better come to the table with the right goods.



Donation Time
"Where do we go from here?

Vote out every incumbant in every election. It's a start. Our political system is completely corrupt. Politicians look for money to spend on whomever they feel is most likely to re-elect them. There is absolutely not a shred of interest in doing what is right with our resources, only in being re-elected.

In California we got the biggest tax hike in history last February and still there is a 24 billion shortfall. Democrats (vast majority here) won't make cuts
in the handouts to illegals and state unions. Republicans won't vote a tax increase again although they screwed us in February. Democrats fall 6 votes short of the 2/3 majority required for a tax increase. They already tried to change that to 55% majority (which they have) and failed. Now they are busy coming up with new fees rather than taxes. A fee doesn't require 2/3 vote.

We sit now at a complete standstill Dems won't cut and Republicans won't raise taxes again. In 6 weeks the state is out of cash. I doubt I'll every see my state tax refund from last year, but that will probably be amoung my smaller problems.



Donation Time
IMHO...I tend to agree about throwing them all out. But that doesnt mean that we're not replacing Nero with Caligula. I'll vet them all. And yes, that fact that they were in there previously is a big strike against them.

As far as budgets go with each state and altogether the federal, we've seen this before. History reveals the solution. It was mocked then and they'll go kicking and screaming this time. Give back to the people who earn the money the money to spend. Don't increase taxes, do away with them.

Reagan still hasn't gotten his due from the world about his religous fervor over tax cuts. It moved this economy is such a strong direction that three presidents later they enjoyed the boom. Although they all tried their best to kill it. (Clinton being the man who made the largest tax increase in history and still only stalled what could have been).

Cut personal taxes and people will have the money to spend to open businesses, purchase goods and services. Cut capital gains taxes and make investing in businesses more appealing. End the death taxes so that the flow of money from one family to the next is unempeded (sp).

Allow the free market to work. Not in an unrestrained manner, for the one big downfall of capitalism is the greed that can lead to unethical behavior. But we need to take the muzzle off and put a choker chain on.

Lastly, we need to educate our children with the truth of our country. It's place in the world, as a non apologetic leader and a place proud to be called the best nation on earth. For we still are, even in the face of what's about to happen. We need to resolve ourselves and those that come after us to never fall asleep at the wheel again. We are the lion tamers and the government needs to be kept on that platform. We have to be involved enough to crack the whip and fire the gun in the air when that lion whats to make a charge.

I suppliment my childrens education (read indoctrination) with the truth behind history and our founding fathers intentions and the lives that went before them to protect this great nation. This family prays together as we seek God's wisdom and grace to live our lives accordingly. As go the people, so goes the client nation.

With all the doom and gloom that possesses me in the reality of the now, my mind and spirit is lifted with hope and promices of tomorrow. I know that I know, that if enough people understand we are the majority of right thinkers, then we'll all act at the appropriate time. Hopefully we'll never forget what it cost us to win back our nation.

(I'm glad they threw the word "Rants" into the thread discription)



Donation Time
" ...each according to his means, each according to his ability to pay.." .. yeah...you're comments are clear and concise.

Where do we go from here?

I guess the next election cycle outside the local area is going to be the Senators and Reps. Let's hope, in the midst of these mamby pamby, wishy washy, fear of losing power men and women wake up and proclaim a return to the "guiding principles".

I have changed my registration to Independent and will vet these people with a magnifying glass. No more of this "lesser of two evils" crap. I don't care what animal image you pin on your chest, you better come to the table with the right goods.


Hey fellow Independent: It's gotten outta hand it sure has. We've butted heads before but when all is said and done we both want a prosperous, free nation of opportunities. I say fire the bunch, tell China and a few others to stuff it, re-open our factories. Roll up our sleeves and fix this thing.


Donation Time
I'm glad we found some common ground. There are alot of ancillary issues that bring about endless bickering. Many "platforms" that "they" keep propt up for hot button issues. I'm very serious when I say that it's a planned tactic. Like government wanting to take care of everyone. It's the shortest path to servitude and control of the masses.

So, I say we fight them. I say we look at these guys with a microscope and have them answer the obvious questions first, before telling us about the new bridge that he just brought to our town. Paid for by other states that have no interest in it.

Here's my questions for the upcoming "champions of the common man":

Where do you stand on illegal immigration?
Are you going to do away with the TARP fund?
Where do you stand on Health Care?
Do you believe in CapNTrade or kyoto?
What about states rights and limiting the growing Fed Govt?
What are your intentions to reform the tax code and the redistribution of wealth?
You pledged to uphold the Constitution, but sit by and watch trampled on each day by you and your fellows. What are you going to do to restore accountability?

Democrat, Republican, independent, libertarian. Understand this. We don't care. Political parties are meaningless to us. Patriotic Americans are willing to do right by us and our Constitution and that is all that matters to us now. We are going to fire all of you who abuse power and seek more. It is not your power. It is ours and we want it back. We entrusted you with it and you abused it. You are dishonorable. You are dishonest. As Americans we are ashamed of you. You have brought shame to us. If you are not representing the wants and needs of your constituency loudly and consistently, in spite of the objections of your party, you will be fired. Did you hear? We no longer care about your political parties. You need to be loyal to us, not to them.
- Beck

This call should be universal....and we can continue to bicker over the superfluous and sidenotes...but the above needs to be told to each of those we suspect care about where our country is going. I care and I suspect so do all you.



Donation Time
This how I'd like to see them answered.

Where do you stand on illegal immigration? -- At the border checking green cards illegal is illegal.

Are you going to do away with the TARP fund?--- No more money to the banks, insurance and auto companies any money given will be used for highway and other infrastructure improvements only with fair bidding.

Where do you stand on Health Care?--- Non Profit remove wall street from healthcare and it will be affordable for all.

Do you believe in CapNTrade or kyoto?--- Is that a kids show or a foriegn car?

What about states rights and limiting the growing Fed Govt?---It's big enough and let the people decide in their own states about personal issues.

What are your intentions to reform the tax code and the redistribution of wealth?---Well considering the percentage of the GNP that the top one percent of Americans are enjoying has increased from 9% to 21% in less than a decade and the poor working stiff gets the shaft I think the big boys can give a little back and the middle class desperatly needs a tax cut and a big one.

You pledged to uphold the Constitution, but sit by and watch trampled on each day by you and your fellows. What are you going to do to restore accountability? --- That's a pretty broad question but the Constitution is clear and has no room for twisting it's meaning and I think that is what your referring too correct?


Diamond Level Sponsor
Vote out every incumbant in every election. It's a start. Our political system is completely corrupt. Politicians look for money to spend on whomever they feel is most likely to re-elect them. There is absolutely not a shred of interest in doing what is right with our resources, only in being re-elected.

The problem with that is that now you have so many receiving government handouts that these people are not going to kill the goose that's giving them the golden egg that everyone else has worked for. I mean, getting a refund or rebate on taxes that you never paid to begin with. The votes have already been paid for.


Donation Time
Biggest problem, for most voters their guy bringing home the bacon isn't the problem, it's the other 500+ men and women bringing it home to their districts. I recall our local rep once stating that it was difficult getting funding for truly deserving projects, (in this case an underground railroad museum he supported), when other reps only wanted to fund pork. Now all I could think of was that to some rep from say Montana, a museum in Cincinnati was also pork since what benefit did it bring to his district.


Donation Time
Hi Sky, I'd like to respond to one of your quips about taxes...

What are your intentions to reform the tax code and the redistribution of wealth?---Well considering the percentage of the GNP that the top one percent of Americans are enjoying has increased from 9% to 21% in less than a decade and the poor working stiff gets the shaft I think the big boys can give a little back and the middle class desperatly needs a tax cut and a big one.

I totally agree, but not for the same reasons. You see, it's not about class envy, nor about taking something from someone and giving it to another. That's called stealing. And it was Carl's favorite topic.

Let's say I'm rich. Filthy, stinking rich. (we know I'm not). What gives you or the government you voted for, the right to take from me, to give to whom IT pleases...even if it is directed by your need to be "fair" to everyone? Your premise of "fair" really isnt going to be my understanding of "fair". Afterall, what I earned was mine. More than those that you'd give it to, but still mine.

You would say and have been told, that the rich are getting tax breaks and don't pay their fair share. Really?

The New York Times published this. "The top 1% of income earners paid about 36.7% of federal income taxes." The top 1% paid 36.7% of federal income taxes "and 25.3% of all federal taxes in 2004. The top 20% of income earners paid 67.1% of all federal taxes. By contrast, families in the bottom 40% of income earners, incomes below $36,300, typically paid no federal income tax and received money back from the government."

So, you have the top earners paying the majority of taxes. In fact the top 50 percent pay 98 percent of all federal taxes. Thats quite a jolt to the "fair" thinking. Just shy of half are recieving monies back, contributing far less and benefiting equally from the effort and contributions of the rest.

I agree. The middle class needs a tax break. Everyone needs a tax break. I'd even argue, the people in the upper financial means need one to help start up a business or invest in ones going. I have a business, and no matter what I give my worker, it won't be enough for him to hire me. If you tax me to the point of failure, he will still not have enough to make my business run.



Donation Time
It's a very tough system to be fair. The lower income earners are not affected by Federal income tax so much. It is FICA that really takes the bite out of their checks. Now one could argue that we all get the same slice of pie at 65 retirement age or is it 67 now? Anyway the FICA tax stops somewhere around the first 80K of taxable income. But the working stiff is not likely to see 80K. The man making 80 mil a year does not even twitch over the FICA tax. I'm not a tax man but seems to me their might be a better way somehow. What that is I don't know.


Diamond Level Sponsor
Now I hear that Blubbering Barney wants Fannie and Freddie to ease requirements for condo mortgages to help them sell.


Donation Time
Franks and Reed should be in jail for what they did with Freddie and Fannie in the first go around.

These two guys are the perfect visual of Roman senators lying around having grapes fed to them by their boy toys while the people outside the senate are screaming for food and protection from the invading hoards.
