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The tone of this forum is hurting the site..

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Tom H

Platinum Level Sponsor
Nick, just a few hours after I posted about the donations notice, I received an e-mail from Tom j . I think it was just coincidence since it was sent to me as if I were an anonymous donor! I figured out that the problem was that the e-mail address in my PayPal acct is different than the e-mail address in my SACOA profile! Duh! Tom J said he'd resolve it all soon and I will change my e-mail in the forum profile.

Tom H


Past President
Gold Level Sponsor
It's a Christmas miracle!!!

There's been debate about the role of the board, and censorship and on and on. We get damned if we censor or when we don't. We can appoint committees (wait.... We have a hard enough time getting people to fill the board positions) and create sub sections when the best solution is think before you post.


Donation Time
Politics/Rants section of the forum. That was created 5 or so years ago (IIRC, by Scott Christie) because a few members insisted on bringing politics into discussions about cars and car repairs. I always liked the password Scott created for access to that area: wastemytime.

I think the password is sneering and condescending, and through PMs more than one other member thinks so, too. It reeks of "we're better than you, and if you want to wallow in this, you'll have to repeat our opinion of the site."


Co-Founder/Past President
Platinum Level Sponsor
I think the password is sneering and condescending, and through PMs more than one other member thinks so, too. It reeks of "we're better than you, and if you want to wallow in this, you'll have to repeat our opinion of the site."

Jim is correct - I did create that years ago because people insisted on starting political discussions on a forum about cars. How in the world does the password come off as "sneering and condescending"? I felt it was a huge waste of (your) time to come on to a forum about classic British cars and start threads about topics that had nothing whatsoever to do with classic British cars. But people would do it, then I would get complaints from others asking me what I was going to about it.

Does it bother anyone that the club is having trouble filling the officer positions to keep this club going? It's a thankless task.

tony perrett

Gold Level Sponsor
Scott, I think that most of the Membership understand and are grateful for all of the work, most of it "behind the scenes" that is undertaken by the Admin Team. I have always considered it a privilege to be associated with a Club whose Members have so much knowledge of and enthusiasm for our beloved Alpines.

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
Does it bother anyone that the club is having trouble filling the officer positions to keep this club going? It's a thankless task.

Scott, it bothers me a lot. Bothers me even more to think I might be part of the problem.

I wish I knew the solution.



Donation Time
I think the password is sneering and condescending, and through PMs more than one other member thinks so, too. It reeks of "we're better than you, and if you want to wallow in this, you'll have to repeat our opinion of the site."

Yet you didn't seem to have an issue posting your opinions there Nick! ;)


Diamond Level Sponsor
Bill (Blue) To me you are far from being the problem.

I took the "LIBERTY TO MODIFY a previous post Contributed by: Nick/Series 6......

"The Quiet Man is dedicated to those who make "Helping Others" one of life's pleasures rather than one of it's vices. Who remain Gentlemen, even in their "disagreements".

There were plenty of different opinions there. Plenty of animated discussions but we all remained civil. And friends.



Donation Time
Scott: This has been a circular argument for several years, and I can only repeat what I've said before.

Whenever people in any kind of club or society - social, vocational, even religious - meet, it's not uncommon for the discussion to stray from the ultimate topic of the club, with opinions on politics and other possibly controversial subjects. It would be a dull world if this didn't happen. Imagine a Meet where someone asks "did you see "Doc" Halliday's perfect game last night?" to be admonished "this is an Alpine club, not sports"?

Yes, even in a debate on a possibly touchy subject we should remember to be civil, and I've strayed from the straight and narrow path from time to time. I try to remember the admonition of Bertrand Russell (whom I admired in my young liberal college days; I even marched with him in the CND demonstrations for unilateral disarmament) that whenever someone stops rebutting the other party's argument with facts, and instead resorts to personal attacks, it's a sign that he's lost the argument.

One can disagree with another person, so long as everyone remembers the meaning of the word "debate." In a debate, or argument, one party advances a position, or point of view, and supports it with facts or data. The other party attempts to rebut (or refute - not the same) this by providing contrary facts. "I have to disagree with you, and here's why ... " or "I think you're wrong, because ... " This differs from a contradiction. As put very lucidly in the Monty Python sketch The Argument Room, "An argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says."

The password is condescending. If the general opinion of club members is that only Sunbeam - or at least automobile - topics should be discussed, then eliminate the Rants section, and also give notice that even in Chit-Chat anything not auto related will be deleted.

A lively debate, even on a controversial subject, so long as people remember the definition of the word, and keep civil, is not wasting one's time. It's even possible that people can learn something from it. IMHO.


Donation Time
As controversial as politics and religion are, they don´t need to be discussed here. I am not interested in knowing how childish some adults can be when, supposedly, having an adult discussion.

I applaud Scott for setting up a rant section for those who can´t help themselves. That way, the rest of us don´t need to be involved.


John W

Bronze Level Sponsor
Just change the password for the rant section (that no one has used since October) to "otherimportantinformation" and everyone will be happy. Just think before you post seems like a good policy. Nick for Re-election!

I got inspired looking at Larry's red automatic with the black lower trim, but I can't post a comment because there's an image code or something that don't show up. Nice car Larry! (if you happen to be following the debate).


Donation Time
As controversial as politics and religion are, they don´t need to be discussed here. I am not interested in knowing how childish some adults can be when, supposedly, having an adult discussion.

1) I never have, and never will, either introduce nor participate in a debate or discussion on religion. It is far more personal in its nature than, say, politics or climate;

2) I guess you missed my point about civility and a true debate.

Merry Christmas.


Donation Time
Obviously Nick,

Your memory is beginning to fail. A number of years ago, you introduced a topic about the existence of God, or non existence of God. You were reprimanded and it was decided that that topic wasn´t appropriate for this forum.


1) I never have, and never will, either introduce nor participate in a debate or discussion on religion. It is far more personal in its nature than, say, politics or climate;

2) I guess you missed my point about civility and a true debate.

Merry Christmas.


Donation Time
OK all, as the subject has now gone off the original topic and in the spirit of the Holidays let's just end this thread before comments get way out of hand.
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