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OH CR*P, here we go again...


Donation Time
The criminals actually passed the largest tax in history yesterday. In a time of economic termoil and all out depression era pressure, they actually passed a version of the Cap and Trade bill, Waxman-Markey.

Al Gore, sitting on his multi billion dollar pile of gold, must be overjoyed that this psuedo science of GLOBAL WARMING, now called Climate Change because there hasn't been any warming for ten years now, it's actually cooling, has been used to foist upon the people of the US a bill that the Europeans are doing their best to get rid of.

If the Senate passes this bill, you can expect to see another increase in your debt. Power companies that use fossil fuels will be taxed. You'll pay it in your bills. Towns and Cities will be taxed. You'll see the property taxes increase. Corporations will be taxed. You'll pay more for everything.

All because of this sham about the "crisis" of Global Warming.

Those idiots up there are so sheltered from reality. Pelosi said that, "For some it was a very difficult vote because the entrenched agents of the status quo were out there full force, jamming the lines in their districts and here, and they withstood that,"

Those "entrenched agents", you arrogant female mutt, are the people being represented by you, you myopic bafoon. We called all day. We emailed all day. All we get is busy signals, "the discussion is over" and form letters.

The bill that was released was over 1200 pages and it WAS NOT reviewed by our representatives because of a deal they made with Waxman, according to my rep. They were given a synopsis and general intent outline. Thank goodness that he voted against it, just based on that stunt alone.

But what about the others? How did your guys vote? What are they thinking? Is Micheal Jackson's death so distracting that they could do this on a friday before a vacation and hope you'd let it slide? Are you going to let it slide?

Please, make your voice heard. This agenda those idiots up there have is pure lunacy. It's destroying the future of our children. We're all done. It's over for us, but our children are going to have to pay for it. They're the ones that will have this burden and enslavement to correct and the more this social reconstruction swings out of control, the more extreme the cure will have to be.

(there's no emoticons that fit my disgust with this gov)


Donation Time
WHEREFORE, instead of gazing at each other with suspicious or doubtful curiosity, let each of us hold out to his neighbor the hearty hand of friendship, and unite in drawing a line, which, like an act of oblivion, shall bury in forgetfulness every former dissension. Let the names of Democrat and Republican be extinct; and let none other be heard among us, than those of a good citizen, an open and resolute friend, and a virtuous supporter of the RIGHTS of MANKIND, and of the FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES OF AMERICA.
- Paine

The constriction of our liberty and the blatent malice of those sworn to uphold the Constitution have shown that no party, nor special interest is, by all effect, understanding of the needs of the people that rely on their virtue. And it now requires us to do what we can to show them an end to their profession.



Donation Time
That bill has momentum of a freight train. It will be interesting to see what it has in store for the common man. For a man like me that owns a 40 year old bus powered by a two stroke diesel.

My electric bill at my home is already at 500 a month. It will be a 1000 or more and we will probably have reset the thermostat from 80 to 95 just to survive. This is madness.

This bill is brought to you by the same idiots that allowed our factories to be shuttered and moved to China. You would think that would be enough carbon reduction to satisfy even the greenest environmentalist.

Lets make doing business in the USA even more expensive DING DONG

I bet that China jumps right on board and implements this there :D


In California alone, Obama said, 3,000 people will be employed to build a new solar plant that will create 1,000 permanent jobs.

Wow we are losing what 600,000 a week and this is big deal?


Donation Time
China has got nothing to lose by joining the Cap and Trade ... if they over produce their allotment of carbon....and have to pay a fine...then they'll just cash in all the bonds they own of our debt.

You said it chief....it is madness.

Why didn't my parents raise me in the Redwood Forest, name me Cosmic Cookie and tell me how great it is to not live with electricity and running water. Why didn't I stay in Mexico and just surf for the rest of my life.?

Why did I have to read Atlas Shrugged, start a business and have a family? Why couldn't I just go blundering along like the other duped masses and await the brilliance of the new age? Why not solar power? Why not endless fields of ethanol? Why can't I see the splendor of having a government take care of every single need I have? Why don't I just except that polititians know the kind of freedom I require?

It would be a whole lot easier to wake up and digest the States News Agencies morning propaganda. Then maybe I'll appreciate the term Czar and comrade to the degree with which they mean it. No more of this anger over slanted reporting. No more conversations of the past or those silly Founding Fathers. I could be up to date. Enlightened. Part of the Progressive movement to shape man in his own image and return Eden to it's rightful place, under control of a few choice men.

I was just thinking. Funny how that happens from time to time. I feel like Sarah Conner, sans the boobs, that had to raise up her son knowing that there is nothing she can do to stop the coming cataclisym. Funny thought, but it has it's merits.

Good luck my fellow citizens. We shall endeavor to keep up the fight.


Jim E

Donation Time
Pretty sure there was ever only one Czar thinking it was the drug guy, the rest of the Czar labels were pinned on by the media and those pinned do not much care for the term.

Even Bill Maher does not think the cap and trade idea is a good one and he is on the global warming bandwagon. He mostly thinks the whole thing is just to complex as I recall.

So this cap and trade thing, is it more or less you do not want to fix it so your emissions go down you buy credits from someone who has and you can go on spewing as you see fit? Like California oil refiners back in the 80s I think it was, where they somehow managed to convince the government if they took old cars off the road and crushed them that would make up for the refineries they did not want to upgrade to be cleaner. Only it seems most of the cars they crushed were not on the road anyway so not causeing aa problem and crushing them did not reduce emissions.


Donation Time
I heard on the radio that the bill was 1200 pages and that as of vote day nobody seemed to have a copy to even know exactly what was in it.ONE complete copy was found on the floor to scan through before a vote was called.

United States of Iran, yes we may have elected representatives but when the supreme leader gives marching orders they all fall in line.



Donation Time
To me, no matter if warming is true or not, trading pollution credits doesn't solve anything, it's just a game. If you're serious about it, you set targets for everyone to cut and meet, and if someone exceeds their target fine, but that shouldn't mean someone else can create more. The example I use is, suppose we're each allowed to dump one barrel of chemicals in the river each year. I have 2 barrels and you have none. So I buy the rights to yours. End result, the same amount of chemicals dumped, I have little incentive to change, and your cleanup efforts didn't matter in an environmental sense. Either walk the talk or quit pretending.


Donation Time
To me, no matter if warming is true or not, trading pollution credits doesn't solve anything, it's just a game. If you're serious about it, you set targets for everyone to cut and meet, and if someone exceeds their target fine, but that shouldn't mean someone else can create more. The example I use is, suppose we're each allowed to dump one barrel of chemicals in the river each year. I have 2 barrels and you have none. So I buy the rights to yours. End result, the same amount of chemicals dumped, I have little incentive to change, and your cleanup efforts didn't matter in an environmental sense. Either walk the talk or quit pretending.

You hit the nail right on the head. Carbon credits are just another way to steal our money.


Donation Time
Okay.....here's a list of who voted FOR this ripoff....

It's criminal I tell you. These people know exactly what they are doing. They know for a fact that this is merely a shell game to control free enterprise and shuffle monies into their control...


Are your reps in the list? I'd fire off an email to them if they are. And by all means contact your Senator. Reed will force a vote on this bill when he's sure he's got enough on board.



Diamond Level Sponsor
I heard on the radio that the bill was 1200 pages and that as of vote day nobody seemed to have a copy to even know exactly what was in it.ONE complete copy was found on the floor to scan through before a vote was called.

I heard that 300 pages of amendments were added just before coming up for a vote.


Silver Level Sponsor
Ok, kiddies, I know that some of you will not believe me, but there is NO climate change caused by CO2 emissions from humans. Another word for "climate change" is the weather and the weather constantly changes! Sure there are some "heat island" effects by large cities, but these phenomena are purely local. Science does NOT work by concensus, either a theory "works in ALL situations" or it doesn't. By works, I mean that the theory covers everything that has been observed as fact. Example: evolution, is a fact of Science (though not of philosophy): this was a "theory", which predated Darwin, that has been "proven" by every observable fact and experiment. Now, Darwin's theory that the mechanism of "natural selection", as the driving force of evolution, does have some problems and does need to be "tweaked", which is why it's still a "theory". It doesn't cover all observable fact. Most scientists do not make their name by going along w/the pack. Science by it's nature and rules is an antagonistic discipline. You make your name by disproving someone else's "accepted" theory. Whenever a researcher publishes a paper, every other researcher, in that discipline rushes to their labs to test the data. They are NOT doing this to prove the published paper is correct, there is absolutely no percentage in that. They want to try and DISPROVE IT! You can always find or manufacture data that "proves" something. The way Hard Science works, is to attempt to test a theory to destruction. Every time a researcher performs an experiment or collects some new data, that tends to support an excepted theory, the theory gains strength. However, if a researcher collects even one data point or performs a reproducible experiment, that DOES NOT support the theory, it MUST BE THROWN OUT OR MODIFIED!
The errors in the theory of "man caused global climate change" are legion. Historical data supports multiple mini "ice ages" and periods of interglacial warming, which appear to be on around 500yr cycles, there are, much more typical and observable smaller cycles of warming and cooling, based on 40-50yr cycles. These are observable facts. Glaciers in Switzerland are receding and uncovering mines in the Alps, dating to the 1300's, that look like the miners went away one day and never came back. Some of the receding glaciers, in Greenland, the theological environmentalists, claim have been there for millennia, have Norse farmsteads beneath them. When Lief Ericson got to New Brunswick, in 1000 AD, he called it "Vineland" because of all the wild grapes, growing there. They don't grow there anymore because IT'S TOO COLD. There were reports in the Washington Post dating to the early 1920's, that report arctic ice melting and open water as well as a reduction of the polar bear and seal populations. Why do you think the Midwest dried out, during the "Dust Bowl"...it blinking dried out, because it got WARMER!! Sure the bad farming practices that had been used didn't help things, but it dried out because it was HOT and there was NO RAIN.
Why do you think the environmentalists only go back to the mid 1800's, to "prove" the fact that it is industrialization that is causing "global warming", then jump back 13000yrs? It's because that is when we started coming out of the last "mini-ice age". Any data between 11000BC and 1800's AD, tend to support natural cycles and are ignored by true believers. The Delaware river really did freeze over, regularly, w/icebergs, just like the painting of G.Washington crossing the Delaware depicts, and the Mississippi and Missouri rivers really did freeze over, regularly, like in "Uncle Toms Cabin". Krakatau, extended it a bit by putting so much particulate matter into the air, it actually cooled the planet to the point is snowed in New York city, in July. The year after Krakatau blew up, was called "the year without summer".
A good geologist could take you to places and tell you exactly where sea level was at anytime in the geologic past, a good Agronomist could show you exactly where sea level was at anytime in the historic past. They would both show the sea level had advanced and receded hundreds, if not thousands, of times, due to the natural cycles of warming and cooling. There is more data, indicating these cycles are cause by sun spots and cosmic rays, than anything humans have done.
Carbon Dioxide, in the concentrations we see, is not a pollutant, it's plant food.
Those of you who are believers are listening to politicians, "activists" and news reporters, and we all know how many times these genius' are correct.
I really don't like to mention my credentials on these sites, but in this case, I really have to mention them. Besides having had a bend to Science since I was a child, the Scientific Method has been my "Bible" since I became aware if it. My degree is in Soil and Water Conservation, w/a minor in Wildlife Management. I've been a working published medical lab researcher for over 30yrs. Most of my early adult years were spent in just about every kind of wilderness activity, you could think of. I've seen many of the most pristine area's of the country and have marveled at their beauty. I was and am a supporter of the Clean Air and Water Acts, which have cleaned up more than 90% of the real pollution, which plagued the country, as well as an "activist" at the first Earth Days. I'm also a supporter of real energy independance. "The Society of Concerned Scientists" is nothing more than a modern College of Cardinals, who persecuted Galileo, even knowing he was correct. Learned men dedicated to the power that holds their purse strings.
I ain't trying to puff myself up, in order to convince you that I'm some kind of super scientist. I'm actually kind of a mid-level lab-rat, but I have an abiding devotion to Science and the Scientific Method and cannot stand how the "theological environmentalists" and politicians are perverting everything it stands for, in order to gain and hold power. All I'm saying, is before you go off and believe everything an "activist" or politician or "reporter" tells you, is to find out what their "scientific" credentials are. I'll bet most of them flunked out of junior high science.
Oh BTW, before someone accuses me of being in the pay of anti-environmental forces who want to destroy the beauty of nature for profit. I'm actually a career federal employee, under the old Civil Service retirement system. I can now retire @ any time w/55% of the average of my high 3years salary. For every extra year I stay in the government I receive an extra 2% increase in retirement. So while y'all who work outside the FedGov are faced w/rising costs and a flat or no paycheck, because you want to "save the world", Federal employees will get full Cost of Living Allowance, every January. And when I actually do retire, I'll continue to get full COLA's. Just like members of Congress.:eek: The Obama policies should be very, very good to me.


Donation Time
Thanks for the post Ron. Global Warming (now not warming anymore somehow ? ) but Climate Change is at best unproven and at worst a complete fraud. I heard on the radio this morning that Europe and Japan who both beat us to the punch on having some sort of cap and trade system are pulling the plug on it, It does no climatic good and costs jobs. Sure some green jobs may be created but how many will be lost ?

Al Gore had better adjust to the inconvenient truth that the polar ice is larger and thicker than any time since 1972.



Donation Time
very well put Ron...

and you know...there is buttloads of proof that back up your claim. And you're right again on this " concensus " stuff. In fact, anyone that has at least a junior high education and the briefest of desires to know, can see that Global Warming was a snake oil fest from the get go.

So....why? Why do these seemingly well intentioned people, scientists, polititians, activists and leaders fall for it? What is the end game for these people?

I've heard that the science field needs funding and that being part of the scam guarantees funding for many ancillary projects. I've heard that this Global Warming was a well funded socialist endeavor to destroy capitalism and the last great power of the USA. I've heard that polititians see this as a way to centralize their power and obscure the power of each State to deal independently.

I've been told that Global Warming is true and not to believe it just proves that I'm out of the loop. I've been told that we're destroying the planet and only through mass re-education and indoctrination are we going to survive. That we need to place into motion an economically catastrophic mechanism that sure beats the coming weather cycles.

I've made my conclusions and my decisions...but I still can't figure out why. Why the fook are they doing this and who are "they" anyway? Just stay away from me. Please, just leave me and my wallet alone. I have a family to feed and I just don't understand why you're doing what you're doing.

One other thing....how is it that we've gotten to a place in social development that we patronize news agencies that gave us wall to wall coverage of MJ's death, life, death and life and did not bother to inform the general public that the largest redistribution of wealth was being voted on and none of the people they trusted with their vote even bothered to read it?
And....in the typical fashion said "screw you", and PASSED THE DAMNED THING!!!.



Past President
Gold Level Sponsor
Every time a researcher performs an experiment or collects some new data, that tends to support an excepted theory, the theory gains strength. However, if a researcher collects even one data point or performs a reproducible experiment, that DOES NOT support the theory, it MUST BE THROWN OUT OR MODIFIED!

That was called heresy a few hundred years ago... Could have got you a front row seat at the Spanish Inquisition... "NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!"