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Gawd 'elp us!


Donation Time
And this unpatriotic nobody, who recently decided that he wasn't going to wear a Stars & Stripes lapel pin any more, wants to be president, leader of the Free World, and Commander-in-Chief? I suppose we can be glad that at least he didn't raise his fist in the Black Power salute. But dwell on this: Hillary will be the nominee. She will pick O'blimey Obama - the guy who said he would bomb our friends (Pakistan) and sit down with our enemies - as her VP. That dream ticket will win in '08 and '12. And he then has a great chance in '16. Gawd 'elp us.



Donation Time
We need someone like Ross Perot.

Lift up the hood and fix this thing.

Giant sucking sound.

He was the only candidate that wasn't comfortable with a 26.5 Billion Dollar a month trade deficit. The Trade Deficit is the real enemy right now.

Maybe we can get China to print our money for us! Oh I forgot they use lead based paints.


Former SAOCA Membership Director
Platinum Level Sponsor
:eek: I think our BIGGEST ENEMY is APATHY of the American People. Also a poor memory.:mad:

That and the fact if someone gets their feelings hurt it's some kind of national media story etc, etc, etc, bla, bla, bla.....

Tom j