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Dubya and the environment

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
Took a break from color sanding the 'Pine this morning. Turned on the Tube and there was wooden Dubya, stammering his way thorough a news conference. I usually fade in out while George talks as I find him about as interesting as color sanding.

Suddenly, I noticed a different guy on the Tube. It proved to be Dubya. But he was relaxed, using different phrasing and tonal inflections. Obviously enjoying himself. I then realized he was talking about the environment. As I faded back in, he was talking about his current efforts to address global warming. The change in the man was absolutely amazing. He is a TRUE BELIEVER. Never would have dreamed it. Now I understand why he invited Al Gore to the White House and why Al went. I wouldn't be surprised, if after he leaves office, he becomes an active environmental advocate, much in the manner Carter is active in Habitat for Humanity.
