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Chicago - British Car Union Festival Sept. 13th


Past SAOCA President
Donation Time
The annual British Car Union's British Car Festival is coming up, Sunday September 13th, at Oakton Community College in Des Plaines.


August 28th is the pre-registration deadline for $20, event day sign up is $25.

There were 3 Alpines and 3 Tigers last year, not including our Alpine which I didn't enter. This is a huge British car show with loads of MG's Triumphs, Jags, Healey's, etc. There usually is a separate class for Sunbeams, assuming enough pre entries.

A related rally and gymkhana, run by the Austin Healey club, is scheduled for Saturday September 12th. The rally starts at noon in Warrenville and ends at Millrose Brewery in Barrington. Rally or gymkhana is $15 or $22 for both.


I will definitely be attending the show, I may try the rally, probably not the gymkhana. Since we don't have an official Chicagoland chapter and rarely get together, it would be great to see as many of the Chicago area SAOCA members as possible out for this.

Hope to see some new faces there, as well as the usual suspects.


Past SAOCA President
Donation Time
Just a reminder.

The British Car Union's British Car Festival is this weekend.

Looks like the weather will be spot on! I will be doing the rally tomorrow and the show on Sunday. Stop by and say hi.



Past SAOCA President
Donation Time
I had a great time last weekend.

The rally on Saturday was a blast. I had no idea what I was in for. Turns out it was one of those gimmick or scavenger type rallies. Total mileage was around 80 miles, and took me roughly 4 hours. The course directions were given to follow with 60 odd questions that went with them. You got points for answering questions correctly. Basically there were vague questions that were answered by signs or street names along the route. For example, one question was "Where might a famous Aston Martin and Lotus driver live?" Then the route took us by Bond Dr.

Ann Marie was out of town, and another friend I had asked to go along couldn't make it, so I had no navigator. I came in 6th place out of 10, 1 point from 5th (due to a misspelling even). Top 5 got trophies :( I had fun anyway, and all were impressed as I was the only one that did it solo. It was mainly on lightly travelled roads far west of Chicago. I hadn't done one of these before, it really was a hoot. I'm surprised more people didn't take part.

The show on Sunday was pretty good too. There had to be hundreds of cars. I think 11 Sunbeams showed up, evenly distributed between Alpines and Tigers (there were only 6 last year). I parked next to the Scovilles' pretty red Alpine and chatted to a few of the other Alpine owners, the weather was gorgeous and I spent a good part of the day wandering around. Took a few pictures of some of the more unusual cars, there's some more pictures in my webshots album (http://rides.webshots.com/album/574652359OlVxkt?vhost=rides). I wasn't around my car the whole time, but I had hoped more SAOCA members would show up. Maybe next year!



Donation Time
11 Sunbeams Wahoo!

Sounds like so much fun, which I lived closer, darn! It has rained here for 15 days straight, now I know what it must be like to live in Seattle, YUCK!
I just love the fun rallies, FYI don't do the SCCA timed Rally Monte Carlo rules, those suck! I would compare that type of rally to having someone time me as I ironed clothes, then taking points off for going to fast or too slow, missing a wrinkle talk about BORING! LOL
I still have the horse shoe that we obtained at Invasion V during the rally in my old white Chevy Prism. Us rednecks hung it over the front door for good luck. :D
