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Personal update

Tom H

Platinum Level Sponsor
This message probably belongs in the "General Chit Chat" forum, but it seems important enough to post in the Stock section where most people know me. I just realized I have not shared this important personal news with my Sunbeam friends. My lovely wife of 58 years, Fran, passed aways on Sep 5 after 9 years of dealing with Alzheimer's dementia. Her obituary is a bit long, but my kids and I felt we needed this space to tell the beautiful story of her life.

Tom H
This message probably belongs in the "General Chit Chat" forum, but it seems important enough to post in the Stock section where most people know me. I just realized I have not shared this important personal news with my Sunbeam friends. My lovely wife of 58 years, Fran, passed aways on Sep 5 after 9 years of dealing with Alzheimer's dementia. Her obituary is a bit long, but my kids and I felt we needed this space to tell the beautiful story of her life.

Tom H
I am sorry to hear that, my condolances
I visited your home about 6 years ago and remember how nice a lady your Fran was.
All the best to you and your family.
What a wonderful woman, wife and mom she was. And what an amazing and caring husband you’ve been to Fran, Tom. I know it’s been a challenge, but as I’ve seen, it’s a challenge you accepted with grace, tenderness and love. You made her years so beautiful, and I’m proud to have known you both. God bless Fran on her journey, and may He bring you together again through His plan.
Hey Tom,

Very sorry for your loss and wish you and your family all the best and peace while you remember Fran.

So sorry to hear about the loss of Fran. My thoughts are with you especially during this difficult time. Know that you have a ton of supportive friends in the Sunbeam community.

Kathy's and I are so sorry to learn this, Tom. We consider ourselves very lucky to have been able to spend time with the two of you on your visit to New York. And we know how blessed Fran was to have you and your family by her side every step of her journey. Your love story should be an inspiration to all of us.

Thanks to all for your condolences. Unfortunately, not many of you got to meet Fran. By the time I was part of SAOCA and attending events she was not up to 600-mile drives in an Alpine.

Back when we were in our twenties, we DID do a 1600-mile drive to Cape Hatteras and back for our honeymoon in an Alpine and even did a 1400-mile February (brrrr) Ski trip to Vermont in our Alpine. Had our skis on the rack on the trunk with the tips up over the roof!

Jim, so glad you and Kathy were able to meet Fran. Likewise, Kevin and Eric. I'm still amazed at how she connected with people so quickly. I loved taking her to work-related events, like Christmas dinners, and summer picnics. My stature at work always went up a notch or two after my colleagues met Fran! I was not surprised that our church was packed for her funeral.

On our way to Hatteras in 1966

Sorry for your loss. Dementia can be very challenging for the whole family. Fran sounds like she was a wonderful person.
On our way to Hatteras in 1966
Both beautiful.... Tha Sunbeam and the Lady with a sunshine smile....

Tom, I never was blessed to meet you or your wife in person. I wish to say you have been a great blessing to me especially doing my Tach's for the V6's.

I don't have the words. I had to sit back and stare at a wall for awhile after reading. My grandmother went through this for 3 years and I was with me for it and the experience and what she went through changed me. Left a part of me empty. I can't imagine what you're going through and I'm so sorry for your loss, just please know that you're not alone and you're loved, even by those who've never met you. Hope one day that we finally do. I think of you whenever I see the Hornet in dock.