Happy Holidays to all in the SAOCA! The New Year will hopefully bring some changes in this world but, closer to home, it will also bring the current Board’s term to an end. As is the case every second year, it is time to decide if the current Board will continue or if anyone new would like to step up and stand for election to one or more offices. To help with your decisions, I offer two points for your consideration:
First, the Board met earlier this month and, among other topics that I will share later, discussed the upcoming end of our terms. All current officers indicated that they were open to being replaced, but willing to serve another term if that is the wish of the membership.
Second, I want to add a personal note re: the office of Club President. While I include myself in the above statement regarding willingness to serve another term, in just a few days I will have been President for 8 years, far longer than I ever expected, and feel like it is time for someone new to take over. I started this role with lots of things I wanted to accomplish for the club and am proud of many of the things the Board and I have been able to do. There is still much that can be done to make the club still stronger and our Board will continue to work towards those goals.
As I have said many times, the real work of this club is done by our Vice President and webmaster, Greg, our Membership Secretary, Eric, and our Treasurer, Dan. (No disrespect to our Secretary, Bruce, but like my job, his is easier than the others.) We should all breathe a sigh of relief that they are willing to stay on, if the members desire. There are some things we can do to make Greg’s and Eric’s Club lives a little easier, which I will raise later in a separate discussion.
As for me, after 8 years I feel like I am now coasting and think the Club might be better served by a new president. More information on the role of President, as well as all of the Board roles, can be found in our bylaws: https://sunbeamalpine.org/saoca-by-laws/ . Any sponsoring member who is interested in running should raise their hand here or send me a PM if you want to discuss it offline and we can talk.
First, the Board met earlier this month and, among other topics that I will share later, discussed the upcoming end of our terms. All current officers indicated that they were open to being replaced, but willing to serve another term if that is the wish of the membership.
Second, I want to add a personal note re: the office of Club President. While I include myself in the above statement regarding willingness to serve another term, in just a few days I will have been President for 8 years, far longer than I ever expected, and feel like it is time for someone new to take over. I started this role with lots of things I wanted to accomplish for the club and am proud of many of the things the Board and I have been able to do. There is still much that can be done to make the club still stronger and our Board will continue to work towards those goals.
As I have said many times, the real work of this club is done by our Vice President and webmaster, Greg, our Membership Secretary, Eric, and our Treasurer, Dan. (No disrespect to our Secretary, Bruce, but like my job, his is easier than the others.) We should all breathe a sigh of relief that they are willing to stay on, if the members desire. There are some things we can do to make Greg’s and Eric’s Club lives a little easier, which I will raise later in a separate discussion.
As for me, after 8 years I feel like I am now coasting and think the Club might be better served by a new president. More information on the role of President, as well as all of the Board roles, can be found in our bylaws: https://sunbeamalpine.org/saoca-by-laws/ . Any sponsoring member who is interested in running should raise their hand here or send me a PM if you want to discuss it offline and we can talk.