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spontaneous meeting


Diamond Level Sponsor
No, it's back to jumping to 200 degrees pretty quick. The highest it went was to about 210 but I was only driving a ten mile trip. It's getting frustrating! I got a new 6 blade fan today and may try that tonight before I head out for two hours in it Saturday morning. If the guage is not grounded properly could that cause the incorrect readings? I am pretty quick at removing a radiator now!!!

Alpine Bob

Donation Time
We had that problem with the Series II, when we got the lazer temp gage and read it at the thermostat it read 165F, the gage was reading 200 - 220F we haven't had any problem with boiling over, she's driven to Chattanooga and back, to Atlanta and back and a lot of around town driving. Also the neck of the rad cap was too short to seal, changed that and no more boiling over. Just our experience, I hope it will help you.
Alpine Bob


Diamond Level Sponsor
Hey Bob,
I'm yet to boil over and I have been told that you are not overheating till you are boiling over. I'm just very cautious, probably too cautious of doing motor damage. I am heading out in the morning to test it for a two hour drive. Wish you and the Ga. gang were closer and could come join us for breakfast tomorrow. We'll have at least two Alpines there. I went by to pick up the hardtop today and he said it would be Monday before it was ready to pick up. I'll have it all finished by our show in Oct. I hope you will be proud of how far it has come.

Tell Judy I said hello!



SAOCA Membership Director
Diamond Level Sponsor
Todd-Bob brought up a good point-what is the real temperature? Gauges do read incorrectly, especially 45 year old ones. Do you have an accurate thermometer you can use to compare it's reading vs. what your gauge says?


Diamond Level Sponsor
I have a new meat thermometer that I ofter put in the radiator to check the coolant temperature and it read very close to what the guage reads. This is the sceond guage I have put in thinking it my be a bad guage. Who knows I may have put another bad one in! I was also informed that the coolant is read prior to the themostat and may show a slightly different reading than a themometer in the radiator, but I don't see how it can be too much off. I'm pulling out in ten minutes for a two hour trip. If it runs hot and leaves me stranded there will be a cheap "torched" Alpine for sale.


Jim E

Donation Time
Todd you should try the garden hose flush and see what comes out, provided the rad is clean and the T stat is good and the HG is not blown about the only thing left is mud in the block.

To do the garden hose flush drain the system and with the cap off the rad connect the garden hose to the hose at the heater valve, just clamp a garden hose repair end in the heater hose, turn the water on and let it run. The after a bit reverse the garden hose and connect it to the other heater hose at the valve, flush away. Watch what comes out it will surprise you. Then typically I remove the lower radiator hose and do it all over again. Oh and if you have a fresh cleaned rad you may want to do the flush with the hoses off the rad at least the first flush or two.


Diamond Level Sponsor
Just got in from the Spartanburg trip to meet Sam. What a wonderful breakfast meeting! I look forward to seeing that Alpine when you get it down to our SOS in Oct.

For those of you that know me, you also know my girlfriend Denise. This weekend she had a very bad experience. We recieved a call from her mother, which lives about two blocks from her, letting us know that her house was on fire. By the time we drove there, the firetrucks were on the scene but the house could not be saved. Her mother is 78 and lost everything. It made for a very rough weekend. We are thankful that a neighbor got her out of the house. Most of the stuff can be replaced.

Jim. I will try that flush!! Wanna help??? The car ran back and forth for the two hour trip this morning between 175 and 210 degrees. Overdrive slipped a couple of times and the valves started knocking when I got around 200 RPM's. Might sound like I had a bad trip but to travel two hours on a cool morning with the top down with my daughter and the Alpine was priceless!

How was your weekend??



Silver Level Sponsor
Todd, so sorry to hear about the fire. I saw some footage of it on the news last night, but did not realize the connection at the time. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for Denise's mom.

I enjoyed meeting you, your daughter, and Denise Saturday,



Diamond Level Sponsor
Thanks Sam! I will let Denise know even though there is not a lot for anyone to do for her but pray. She went out today to get some basics like medicine and underware and a few clothes. They went to the house today to see if there was anything left at all and found her good china in a drawer that was not damaged. Found her pocketbook with burned straps but the driver license and other stuff was unharmed. The entire back porch was on the ground in ashes except a stand with an angel on it standing tall. Sure makes you wonder!!!

Are you going to try to make the invasion? We have some going from this area and you could hook up with them.

Thanks for the offer on helping Denise's mom.

