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News from Zimbabwe


Donation Time
PBS had a good show a few months ago comparing national health care systems. I don't think they found a single person outside the U.S. who was envious of our system. Most were incredulous that we could allow so many to go bankrupt over medical bills.

I saw that show and was amazed by how well the system works in countries like Germany and Switzerland. They have count them ZERO medical induced bankruptcies Zero and the people are very happy with their system. Again the key is NON PROFIT. I am all for making profits but not in the health-care industries. This is something the free market will exploit every time with no regard to the well being of people. They have proven it over and over and over and over and over again.

The Government need not get involved and nor should Wall Street. Everyone gets paid but only the people that work for it. Not the jerks in the pin striped suits smoking hundred dollar cigars and laughing because they increased the premiums to get that teak deck on the yacht replaced.

And the argument is always made that the Pharmaceutical companies will have no money for research "Horse Feathers" most all new drugs are the result of Government funded research centers like universities anyway.

We don't have to research this it is already proven in Switzerland, IT WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!

The resistance to a non profit system comes from the people that have millions in health-care stock. I say fluck em they have exploited us long enough.

And the 20 million uninsured people that are illegals, I have a news flash from Tucson where the ER's are choked with them. We already pay for their care, Your wait times will not change, the only thing that changes is the money goes where it belongs to our beloved Doctors and Nurses.

NON PROFIT call yor representitives and demand it.


Donation Time
As usual, what you see on a program with an agenda to make socialized medicine seem an utopia skews the facts or simply ignores them. In Germany, for example, the people are increasingly unhappy to see their mandatory contributions steadily increase - both payroll contributions (13.99%) and their copays, that can range from 15% for some, like drugs, to 100% for others, like dentures.

In a recent survey, almost half (48%) of Germans said they were "dissatisfied," or "very dissatisfied" with the country's mandatory health care system, one of the reasons being long delays for non-emergency treatment, with waits over 12 weeks to even see a specialist, much less get needed surgery. As a result, over 25% of Germans above the income level where they would receive free care still buy private health insurance. If you doubt these figures, PM me and I'll give you the references.

It's easy to talk about how medical insurance could still be handled by insurance companies, but financed by the government. Governments don't "finance" anything; they simply raise taxes to pay for new schemes. When the late First Lady tried to introduce socialized medicine in the 1970s, it was estimated that Hillarycare would have taken over one seventh of the GNP of the country.

Whenever governments finance anything, they insist on assuming a measure of control. For example, Hillarycare would have made it illegal, under penalty of imprisonment, for an individual to pay for, or a provider to supply, private health care outside of the system. The history of government shows that an initially small, "reasonable" measure of control escalates into total authority and micromanagement. And with this comes new departments, bureaucrats and massive staffs with all their expenses. My father, before his retirement, was Chief Administrative Officer for a group of three hospitals. His experience of what happened with centralized government interference in the hospitals, run by the local authority quite satisfactorily for 150 years, mainly funded by private endowments, can be judged from this passage from his memoirs:

"April 3, I was visited by an 'Efficiency Expert' from the Ministry of Health. This young man proudly announced that, prior to entering government service, he had worked in the car industry, involved in something called 'Time and Motion Studies.' By redesigning machines and how men operated them, he had cut down on wasted movement and scrap metal. Apparently he had been studying how the hospitals were being run and was determined to apply the same expertise in 'improving your efficiency.' He also told me that he had studied the activities of nurses, and found that most of them 'wasted time chatting to patients.'

"In vain did I attempt to explain that hospitals bear nothing in common with car plants. For example, in the latter you do not have to keep a piece of metal in a warm, dry and lit place, then explain to it what you intended to do to it, why it needed to be done, and obtain the metal's permission to do it. Nor did you have to have expert staff on hand to save the metal's life if the stamping (e.g.) process went wrong, nor have other trained staff care for it for a week or two after it had been stamped, and have it come back later to have the stamping examined. I also tried to get him to understand that talking to patients was part of their recovery, it was called a 'bedside manner,' and as an efficiency expert he should be aware of the studies that showed how this hastened patients' recovery and shortened their hospital stays."

To reiterate: Governments, almost by definition, are inefficient, bloated and expensive, and rarely do anything as well as private industry can. Someone on the forum said how good Social Security is. Actually, it is one of the greatest ripoffs in history. Remember how it began? I'll omitthe political party responsible for cheating and pillaging - you work it out:

Franklin Roosevelt introduced the Social
Security (FICA) Program. He promised:

1.) That participation in the Program would be
completely voluntary,

2.) That the participants would only have to pay
1% of the first $1,400 of their annual
incomes into the Program,

3.) That the money the participants elected to put
into the Program would be deductible from
their income for tax purposes each year,

4.) That the money would be put into an
independent "Trust Fund" rather than into the
General operating fund and would
only be used to fund the Social Security
Retirement Program, and no other
Government program, and,

5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees
would never be taxed as income.

A really great system, with built-in checks and safety for one's investment.
A truy great leader, FDR, but too trusting.

Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are
now receiving a Social Security check every month and now find
that we are getting taxed on up to 85%
of the money we paid to the Federal government to "put
away," you may be interested in the following:

Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the
independent "Trust Fund" and put it into the
General fund so that Congress could spend it on pork-
barrel projects to ensure their reelection?
A: President L. J. and the XXXX-controlled
House and Senate.

Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax
deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding and
made participation mandatory?
A: The XXXX Party.

Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social
A: The XXXX Party, in the mid-1990s, with
ZZZZ casting the
"tie-breaking" deciding vote as President of the
Senate, while he was Vice President of the US

Q: Which Political Party decided to start giving
Social Security payments to immigrants who had
paid nothing into the fund?
A: The president (from 1977 to 1981) and the
XXXX Party.
Immigrants coming into this country, at age 65
begin to receive Social Security payments even if
they never paid a dime into it!

Then, after doing all this lying and thieving and violating
of the original contract (FICA), the XXXXs
tell you that the YYYYs want to take your
Social Security away!

Had a private company done half of these things, the managers would have found themselves in jail for 10 years. Social Security takes your money compulsorily, then spends all of it on mainly wasteful pork-barrel projects to ensure the politicians' reelection. What you get is essentially a Ponzi scheme. There is no "Lock Box"; today's recipients are being funded by today's workers, and the net return on your "investment," after inflation, is a negative 3%.

Examples of the government wasting your dollars and screwing up almost everything they touch would fill a book. The Pentagon, almost every year, received billions of dollars more than it asks for or needs. This is so that Congressman A, or Senator B can go back to his constituency in November and tell the gullible how much Defence Dept. business he has brought to the area, or state.

Bureaucracy? Government grows, always, under every administration and party. Anyone who has worked for a state or federal government can tell you that one of the main, if not the main ways of advancing and getting more power and dough is by increasing the size of your department and the number of people who report to you. Reagan promised to trim down government - and it grew under his stewardship. Ditto Clinton. Under Bush II the federal government grew by 60%.

How would this happen in private industry? It wouldn't, or at least not for long My wife worked at G.E. when Jack Welch came in as CEO. In one of his first meetings with division heads, he told them to walk through every department and ask every person what exactly they did; apparently this hadn't happened before, and as a result thousands of drones were let go (earning Welch his sobriquet of "Neutron Jack," after the Neutron Bomb which is supposed to kill people and leave infrastructure intact). He called another meeting a few months later and told each department head that, in six months, his department would be profitable, sold or dismantled. As a result, the electronics went to the French firm Thomson, the large appliances to Hotpoint and the small ones to Black & Decker.

Wouldn't it be great if the government did somethign similar? Dream on.

Waste? Stories appear every week about billions (that's with a B) of dollars that government departments cannot trace or account for. No heads roll. It's only tax money, after all. We need more billions, we just turn the spigot on a bit more.

Inefficiency? Just one example. The agency responsible for cracking down on unfit truck and bus drivers, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, has not even completed one of the eight recommendations that U.S. safety regulators proposed in 2001. Public safety experts have protested this for years, without effect. The G.A.O. released a study by the VA, Labor and Soc. Sec. Depts. last week that - sit down for this - 563,000 commercial drivers are also eligible for full disabilty benefits for epilepsy, heart disease, impaired vision or other health issues. It is estimated that 5,300 people died in crashes involving commercial trucks and buses in 2006, and 126,000 were injured. Apparently nothing has been done because one government dept. won't speak to another.

So, this is the bunch you want to get their fingers into health insurance?


Donation Time
In a nutshell:

Switzerland’s universal-coverage health care system consumes a larger fraction of gross domestic product than most other countries, likely reflecting its citizens’ preferences and resources. Health care expenditures are closely linked to income. Yet, in contrast with the United States, whose health care expenditures are the highest percentage of gross domestic product in the world and where more than 40 million citizens are uninsured, the consumer-driven Swiss health care system achieves 30% lower per capita health care costs and universal coverage while providing reasonable quality of care. These results can be attributed primarily to the control exercised by Swiss consumers and the relatively high cost transparency of the system, requirement for universal coverage, and risk adjustment of insurers. Additional savings would likely be ttained with liberalization of provider coverage and reimbursement policies.

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
Nick, given the alternative, yes.

When the countries that have Nationalized (socialized to you) health care, start emulating our system, you will have a point. Until then, you are blowing hot air.

I sure wish our Canadian friends that come South every few months for some real health care would stand up and be counted.



Donation Time
Well, I can give you one: Brian Mulroney, who came to Washington DC to give a speech on the superiority of the Canadian medical system, then flew down to Florida to see his doctor. If the Prime Minister of Canada doesn't think enough of his country's vaunted health care system to use it himself ....

I used to travel to Toronto (Ontario) and Montreal (Quebec) while working for Wyeth International in the 1980s. I remember CTV News reporting 36 hour wait times for a hospital bed to open up, and a Health Canada report of 13-month delays in Prairie provinces between a first attempt to schedule an appointment, and first chemo treatment for a cancer patient.

True, there isn't a waiting list if you stagger into an emergency ward, clutching your chest and gasping, or bleeding profusely. But 13 months for chemo?

One reason more Canadians don't seek healthcare in the US is that it won't be paid for by the Canadian government or their private insurance. Few Canadians can afford to pay for expensive procedures like MRI's.

In the 80's there was a program that helped Canadians in southern Ontario get bypass surgery in a local Detroit hospital. They convinced the Ontario government to pay for their normal portion of the bill, and got got the Detroit medical facilities to lower the co-pay.

This was a huge political embarassment to the Canadan government, who quickly cancelled the arrangement. The waiting list for bypass surgery grew from 4 months to 8 months and leveled off. The main reason it leveled off was that people waiting for bypass surgery died off.

By the way: Canadians don't have dental or optical. And, like in the UK, those who are employed also frequently carry supplimental insurance through their company, or pay for it themselves.

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
No Nick, real Canucks that are members of SAOCA. Not people that can fly anywhere in the world for health care. I am waiting for them to tell us they want to use our system. If their system is as bad as you claim, they should, to a man, be on your side. So far, they have not said much.



Donation Time
No Nick, real Canucks that are members of SAOCA. Not people that can fly anywhere in the world for health care. I am waiting for them to tell us they want to use our system. If their system is as bad as you claim, they should, to a man, be on your side. So far, they have not said much.


I'm not gonna speak for the SAOCA Canucks, hopefully they will chime in soon...

I will say this, I travel periodically to Montreal and specifically Trois Rivieres on business, and the folks I deal with tell me of the nightmares of having to go to the doctors.

One such chap on my last visit had to skip a day of work for what was supposed to be an outpatient medical procedure, scheduled months in advance. He ended up on the jobsite that day anyhow becuase the doctor canceled his procedure that morning, and rescheduled it several months down the line. I asked him if this is typical, to which he said far worse things happen on a regular basis.
His comment to me was that in Canada, everyone has health care, but god help you if you need something really soon (like if you get cancer) becuase you arent going to get seen or treated very soon and will probably die waiting. He would love to be able to afford private healthcare but they pay so much income tax that there is nothing left over.

So in a nutshell, They make about the same or less compared to equivalent US wages. They pay a lot more taxes than we do (to pay for the socialist programs). Their cost of living is more expensive than most of ours (housing costs in the cities are on a par with US cities and food costs more). And yes, they do have health care but is that the healthcare you had in mind?

For those of you in the US who need affordable insurance, heres the hot tip:
Start a small company, employ your spouse, your kids and other family members if you wish. Call an insurance broker and tell them you want a group plan.
You will get a policy perhaps not as good of deal as a larger company can get, but in a group policy they cant jack up the charges for pre-existing conditions or not accept you for the same.


Donation Time
medical care

All this talk about medical care has my blood boiling. Nick, as you stated, you sell private insurance, so any of your opinions are tainted. As far as non profit health care I belong to such an organization(Kaiser). They made a $32,000000 profit in the first quarter last year. Their rates have gone up an average of 20% every year for the last 6 years. This year their rates are going up 22%. I pay $10,000 a year for insurance now. It will be going up $2,200 this year. Waiting for services? I waited 4 years to have my hernia fixed. I have to have 100% coverage because my wife has Huntington's Disease of which you probably know nothing. Let me give you a hint: it's like Alzheimers and Parkensons at the same time. Kaiser is still the cheapest. Last December my wife had a stroke IN THE WAITING ROOM AT THE HOSPITAL. NO one came out to help her. We told the receptionist TWICE that she was having a stroke and she did nothing. Finally,after 20 minutes, she asked if we wanted her to call emergency! Once she got to emergency their only concern seemed to be that I pay them $50 for the emergency room visit! I HAVE 100% Coverage! Please explain to me how it could get worse?
As far as liberal vs. conservative, EVERY piece of positive social legislation in this country's history has come from the liberal party! That includes all of the legislation of the second half of the 19th century. That's right, The republican party WAS the liberal party until the Coolidige administration. Democrats became liberal because it was the only way they could get elected!
The two most corrupt administrations in U.S. history were both Republican(Grant and Harding). Sorry about the history lesson but I have been teaching U.S. history for 35 years and am tired of people who have facts but not substance to relate. Most Americans do.


Donation Time
Phatt, I'm sure I don't understand why you felt it necessary to be insulting to make your point. If I were to reply in kind I might make a reference to phatthead, but I won't.

True, I do sell insurance. I do so very much on a part-time basis, mainly to keep my 71+ year-old brain busy on things other than writing for papers and magazines, which lock one to the keyboard and monitor too much. I probably only spend about 10 hours a week on the insurance.

I am an independent agent, meaning that I can choose the best company for each case, as there is no one-size-fits-all. Most agents are locked into one company - you get what they want you to get. I operate through a non-profit group called the Small Business Association of America (sbaamerica.com) who contract with selected insurance companies to bring comprehensive cover at deeply discounted rates. On average I can usually save a family of four, currently on a policy from one of the highly-advertised companies [guess who pays for the millions of $ in adverts?] like Aetna, Cigna and BlueX/Blue Shield around $3,000 a year. My best to date has been a $5,960 saving.

If this make my opinions "tainted," so be it, although I can't see why. Maybe you can elucidate.

And, again, I'm not sure why you assume that I "probably know nothing" about Huntington's Disease, otherwise known as Huntington's Chorea, Chorea Major, or HD, a genetic neurological disorder that presents abnormal body movements called chorea (it used to be called "St. Vitus' Dance.")

It's my business to know, or to have the appropriate reference works so that I can properly perform my job of interviewing applicants for coverage, and also pass the state mandated examinations each two years.

Finally, although I tried to keep my post as politically neutral as possible, you launch into a political diatribe. In your 35 years of teaching political history you have apparently missed the fact that the 1964 Civil Rights act was only passed because more Republican Senators than Democrats voted for it, that it was held up by a Democrat filibuster led by that grand old man Robert (ex-KKK) Byrd, including all night and weekend marathons, and among the Dem. senators voting against it was Algore's father, Sen. Al Gore Sr. (a similar situation occurred in the 1965 Voting Rights Act) and that the racist opponents of integration, like George Wallace and Lester Maddox, were Democrats to a man. I pity your students, listening to yet another academic filling their heads with liberal mush.

P.S. It's Parkinson's, not Parkenson's.


Donation Time
One other thing Phatt, you seem to be upset over your non profit insurer showing a profit. Understand that all states require all insurers to show some level of profitability to serve as reserves. The idea being to be able to pay X number of months claims if no new premium money was coming in. That amount varies from state to state since each one regulates that requirement differently. And when a company spans multiple states then the requirement adds up since each state views it as what's required to pay our folks bills. I won't say if this is right or wrong, just that it's the way the system works.

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
Speaking of waiting, how long did Jeff Scoville have to wait for his surgery? The last I remember, he was still waiting. Or more correctly, fighting the insurance company.



Donation Time
I have been accused, often with reason, of hijacking threads. How the hell did we get from inflation in Zimbabwe to what is wrong with health insurance in the US?:confused:

I think I'll now change its direction to Global Warming.

Maybe not.

Bill Blue

Platinum Level Sponsor
Well Nick, it started off about the economy of a foreign country, immediately got changed to the U.S. economy. It looks like one of the economic hot ticket items is health care.

In retrospect, seems pretty logical. It certainly tells a person what Americans are concerned about.



Platinum Level Sponsor
I have been accused, often with reason, of hijacking threads. How the hell did we get from inflation in Zimbabwe to what is wrong with health insurance in the US?:confused:

I think I'll now change its direction to Global Warming.

Maybe not.

I'll see your Global Warming and raise you an Immigration Issue.

:D ;)